On Offer;

Qty - 7 pcs Lot.
Birds Picture postcards.
Crown Image on place where stamp has to be fixed.
On back footer - Uitsluitend recht van utgave, Nuss Laren
14.0 cm x 9.0 cm.
Original Cards.
Unposted. Round corner, Mild stains, appearance under its age.


* 1. wielewaal bij t nest met jongen oriolus l - Oriole
 oriole in the nest with young oriolus l      

The oriole is a rare breeding bird wintering in Central and Southern Africa. 
It is a summer guest of the end of April to September are staying here. 
The first Wielewaal every year an adventure, whether it's what used to be or what is later, 
always there again is that exciting of seeing that wonderful yellow-black male 
with his unmistakable melodic call. 

*   2.broedende kievit vanellus vanellus l- kievit
Breeding lapwing vanellus vanellus l
*  3. putter of distelvinkenpaar bij t nest met Jongan Carduelis Carduelis L
The European goldfinch or goldfinch (Carduelis carduelis), is a small passerine bird in the finch family that is native to Europe, North Africa and western Asia.
 It has been introduced to other areas including Australia, New Zealand and Uruguay.
* 4 scholekster broeband haematopus ostralegus l
Eurasian Oystercatcher (Siberian)
* 5.kleine bosduif , Columba Oenas .In de duinen bij een Konijnenhol,
waarin het nest zit.
small wood pigeon, Columba Unas .In the dunes in a Rabbit Hole,
wherein the nest is.
* 6Klapekster of Klauwier bij nest met jongen. Lanius excubitor .L
Shrike Shrike or at nest with young. Lanius excubitor .L
The great grey shrike, northern grey shrike, or northern shrike (Lanius excubitor) is a large songbird species in the shrike family (Laniidae).
7. Wulp bij het nest met eieren Numenius arquata L
Assistance in the nest with eggs Numenius arquata L
The curlew is a large wading bird, well known for its very long, decurved bill. Its haunting two-note call and bubbling song was once a familiar sound of the open countryside. However, it has declined as a breeding species in Northern Ireland and elsewhere in northern Europe over the last twenty years. Outside the breeding season, birds arrive from the north and east to winter mainly around the coast.

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