Natural de Mexico eBay

Resina Sagrada Mirra  / Sacred Myrrh Resin Plant 4 Oz Tea Natural de Mexico


Myrrh is a resin extracted from a plant called Commiphora Myrrha originating from Ethiopia, a small tree, which develops white flowers. From it is extracted the precious and crystallized sap (It is a gummy, oily resin, somewhat yellowish in color, very aromatic, by the way, which when dried takes different forms, prisms or sheets, of a reddish brown color) that is burned to take advantage of all the therapeutic benefits it offers.
In ancient times myrrh was used to make offerings to the gods, to soothe snake bites and as an effective purgative, now its purposes range from perfumery to medicine.

Coadjuvant for:

  • Coadjuvant for repairing oral mucous membranes.
  • Coadjuvant to combat canker sores and mouth sores.
  • Helps to combat gum inflammation caused by gingivitis.
  • Coadjuvant to mitigate pain after dental treatment.
  • Adjuvant for fighting tonsillitis and pharyngitis.
  • Coadjuvant in the fight against bacterial infections.
  • Reduces skin inflammation.
  • Helps to control diabetes.
  • Promotes menstruation.
  • Coadjuvant for the elimination of intestinal parasites.
  • Mitigates intestinal congestion.


  • Sacred Myrrh Resin.

Suggested Preparation

  • Infusion:

    1. We put to heat 1 liter of water.
    2. When it comes to a boil, add 2 tablespoons of the plant.
    3. Let it boil for 3 to 5 minutes.
    4. Remove from heat and let stand for 10 minutes for the plant to extract all its properties and vitamins.
    5. We recommend taking on an empty stomach, half an hour before breakfast, lunch and dinner.
    6. If you take it after the meal, it should be after one hour.
    7. If you are going to mix other products or medicine, you can mix it, but you have to make sure that it is for the same benefit.  It is not advisable to reuse the plant after having boiled it, as this may cause deception in the amount and its benefits will no longer be the same, so we ask that after having boiled the plant once you can throw it away once.

Recommended daily dose:

  • It is recommended to drink half as much water and half as much tea as you are used to drinking per day. For example, if you normally consume 3 liters of water a day, then one and a half liters of tea and one and a half liters of water, if you consume 3 glasses of water, then one and a half glasses of tea and one and a half glasses of water.
    These recommendations are for adults and not for minors, consult your doctor or an expert.


  • Do not ingest this product in case of pregnancy or breastfeeding.
    It is the responsibility of the person who consumes or recommends it.
    Not FDA approved.
    Results may vary.


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About Natural de México

We are a 100% Mexican company located in San Diego California, with our high quality products at a very low cost, we want to be at the forefront of health care for all our clients and friends.

We have accessible and guaranteed products to support all consumers and people who want to start a business to grow and achieve their financial goals.

We have a variety of organic and fresh plants, ask for more and if you want a special plant you can ask for it and we will get it for you, we sell in packages of 4 and 8 ounces, 1 pound and if you want quantities that are not available you can order a Quote to see prices, no matter the quantities, we sell to you in retail or wholesale.

Help with the health and economy of society and anyone who wants to have their own business or be a distributor of our NDM products.

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