This listing is for your choice of a variety of Topps 2000 X-Men the Movie Chromium chase cards.  I have no duplicates on these. Choose from:

Chromium Cards are $1.99 each:
Topps 2000 X-Men The Movie Chromium C1 Professor X
Topps 2000 X-Men The Movie Chromium C3 Jean Grey
Topps 2000 X-Men The Movie Chromium C5 Wolverine
Topps 2000 X-Men The Movie Chromium C6 Rogue
Topps 2000 X-Men The Movie Chromium C10 Toad

It is sometimes hard to complete card sets for a reasonable cost.  My goal is to help you do that.  I will mix and match with any of my other listings.  There is a discount for buying in volume. NOTE:  You must specify which cards you want.  I cannot read your mind!  You can send the list by email or put a note on your invoice when you pay. Shipping will be adjusted automatically but I may be able to adjust lower when buying a large quantity.  I hope I can help you complete some sets at a fair price!