The Nile on eBay

Ancient Cares

Music might be fun! It's an interactive experience, not a chore-or worse, a meaninglesstask repeated endlessly for an unclear reason, like clicking on a playlist and going aboutyour business. That's why Sea Note is proud to bring back an old favorite from the daysof standalone physical records: The Sundowners! It's been over twenty years sincewe've heard from them, but in the mid-1990s, they released three 7-inch records: "GoatSongs," "The Girl With the Thing In Her Hair," and "Singing Death Chants to theStars." Each one of these releases were so distinctive, each in its own way, that rumorsimmediately spread that each one was actually a Drag City act in disguise, slumming iton Sea Note! An insulting suggestion for The Sundowners themselves, whose shape-shifting abilities were one of the decade's most underrated stories. Perhaps this is whythe long gap between the third and fourth 7-inch? Ultimately, none of this matters-just plop the tonearm down into the groove and you'll experience the singular experienceof The Sundowners in an all-new sound. With their trademark lo-fi ingenuity, they forgea set of minimal yet hooky pop tunes, tweaked and brimming with colorful approaches toold tropes, with recycled psych-synth oddments from the history of sweet music. Spin acopy, you'll see!

Brand New

Tracks Description

1. Ancient Cares
2. Pigpen Blues
3. Stinkeye


EAN 0781484602415
Format Vinyl
Genre Alternative
Number of Discs 1
Year 2019
