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Reaching the Unreached

by Peyton Jones, Alan Hirsch

Reaching the Unreached recounts the stories, struggles, and triumphs of individuals and churches that have reinvented themselves to meet the world where it is, working to reach the ones that no one else is reaching. Author Peyton Jones teaches you how to convert pew jockeys into missionaries and awake the sleeping giant of Christ's church.

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Publisher Description

For too long church leaders have focused on increasing the size of their church rather than increasing their reach outside of the four walls of the church building. The result Church life becomes a predictable set of routines with predictable results. Church members struggle to reach the neighborhoods they drive through on their way to church programs, unable to penetrate their surrounding communities in a meaningful way. Reaching the Unreached recounts the stories, struggles, and triumphs of individuals and churches that have reinvented themselves to meet the world where it is, working to reach the ones that no one else is reaching.The search for the "silver bullet" of success has diverted us from tapping into the timeless principles found in the book of Acts, says author, pastor, and front-line church planter Peyton Jones. Yet the spiritual climate that Paul and the Apostles stepped into is not all that different from the brave new world the church faces today.From accidentally planting a church in a Starbucks in Europe, to baptizing members of the Mexican mafia in Long Beach Harbor, Jones has been on the frontlines of today's missional movement and has lived to tell the tale. In Reaching the Unreached, he teaches church planters, pastors, and church leaders how to convert pew jockeys into missionaries and awake the sleeping giant of Christ's church, one person at a time.Today there are two types of churches: those who put their proverbial heads in the sand, and those who champion 1st century principles, meet the challenges head on, and embrace the adventure of mission in community. Tomorrow, only one type of church will survive—those that accept the challenge to reach the unreached.

Author Biography

Peyton Jones has been on the front lines of ministry for over ten years. In 1999, at the age of 25, he moved to Europe, and served as the evangelist at Lloyd-Jones's legendary Sandfields church, Aberavon. An accidental church planter, Jones planted in a Starbucks before returning to America, and planting in inner city Long Beach. To reach those nobody is reaching, Jones has worked as a firefighter, factory worker, barista, and psychiatric nurse, bringing all these experiences to the table. Jones received his MA Theology: Pastoral Studies from Wales Evangelical School of Theology, and is the Regional Catalyst for NAMB. He is also the host of the Jump School Core Team Training Series, Managing Editor of Church Planter Magazine and the co-host of the weekly Church Planter Podcast.

Table of Contents

Chapter 1: THE BRAVE NEW WORLDDoes a lesbian get a separate gospel from everybody else? What would you say to the lesbian in the inner city who interrupts an open-air service to ask what the grace and mercy just preached means for her? Welcome to the brave new world we minister in. This was just the launch day for Refuge Long Beach. Many churches will never face this type of front-line encounter because they rarely engage the people outside their building. When they do make the attempt, it often resembles playing an 8-track tape to an iTunes world. We won't reach the world if we approach people as we want them to be. We need to reach the people as they are. Whenever the church has regained it's forward momentum, it has been preceded by a crisis of purpose. The first three chapters of Re:Mission will focus on "reaching the ones that nobody is reaching". Chapter one will present the main issues, ask the hard questions, and lay out a sense of purpose that all churches can identify with.Chapter 2: I LOOK AT ALL THE LONELY PEOPLEHow can I reach people if I hate them? Few are honest about how they really feel about others until they're on the road. Then the truth comes out! In order to reach the world, we first need to see it the way Jesus does. The world will only change if we change first. This chapter will urge the believers and churches to focus on individuals rather than crowds. Jesus actively went after the marginalized of society, and through his followers, the gospel quickly penetrated every strata of society in the first century. Jesus turned and looked at his followers issuing the challenge that there were few willing to go into the harvest field? He asked them to pray that they might gain his burden for the lost. How does a believer stoke the coals of passion for the lost so that it ignites into evangelistic fire?Chapter 3: REACH THE ONES NO ONE IS REACHINGWhat if you overheard the statement "I attend a church that Jesus would actually go to"? What would that look like? People rarely need an explanation. They know what kind of people that Jesus attracted, and can therefore envision what his church would look like. What does a church do when the cross-dressing prostitute uses the women's bathroom? How you handle these situations will largely determine what kind of people you will reach. Jones tackles the practical barriers that churches face to reaching those who appear to need the gospel most, but have the least opportunity to hear it. Jones has seen multiple sex workers leave the trade, witnessed people set free from 25-year crack addictions. He's baptized wanted criminals before they've turned themselves in to pay for their crimes, or been fatally shot. Refuge Long Beach is known locally as the last stop before Hell. Perhaps when churches measure success by the types of people reached, instead of just by the numbers reached, it will be closer to what Jesus intended; a church he'd go to.Chapter 4: GO WHERE NO ONE IS GOINGThe gospel tends to follow middle class tracks. Churches frequently follow where the money goes, instead of where the need is. When Paul was sent out on mission with the blessing of The Twelve, he was told to "remember the poor" (Galatians 2:10). Churches have been targeting upwardly mobile, middle class families because according to the old church growth models, that's what brings success. Meanwhile, God is bringing the nations to our doorstep. Churches need an urban mindset for mission. Every city has a local "Samaria" where people would rather go around. The question is, are you willing to go there? When you do, it won't just be the un-churched who are changed.Chapter 5: YOU CALL THAT MISSIONAL?The Missional movement hasn't gone missional enough. In Acts 5:42 we read that the church met from house to house and in the temple courts. We've learned how to meet in houses, but we haven't learned the necessity of doing ministry in public spaces. When church goes public, it will becom


Biblical, honest, transparent, provocative, and challenging! These are the words I use to describe Reaching the Unreached. Filled with numerous stories, humor, and wisdom, Jones's book is a raw look at what we are all called to do, but few do: make disciples. Read and heed! * J. D. Payne, pastor, missiologist; author, Evangelism and Apostolic Church Planting *
Don't be fooled by Peyton's playful style and pop-culture references. There are deep, timeless themes coursing through this compelling book. Winsome and wise, this book calls the church to come out, into the life of mission, to receive our inheritance of adventure and joy. * Brian Sanders, executive director, The Underground Network *
I am really excited about Peyton Jones's new book. With his usual mix of personal confrontation, biblical sophistication, and pop-cultural elucidation, Peyton sets our eyes on the beautiful adventure of re-engaging and reaching the lost. I really enjoyed this book, and you will too. * Daniel Fusco, pastor, Crossroads Community Church (Vancouver, Washington and Portland, Oregon); author, Honestly *
I love Peyton Jones's heart for God and for people who are far from him. I love how he thinks about our mission of seeking and saving the lost, and how he does it in his life. You should read Reaching the Unreached and everything else Peyton writes on this topic! * Vince Antonucci, pastor, Verve Church in Las Vegas; author God for The Rest of Us *
If you care about the future of the church, then you should read this book. Reaching the Unreached articulates principles that will empower and unleash Jesus followers in the places that they live, work, and play. * Dave Runyon, coauthor, The Art of Neighboring *
If you're dispirited with a toothless twenty-first century version of the New Testament church and are ready to personally engage the intoxicating mission of God, then learn from Peyton's own story. The life-giving journey from sacred consumer to spiritual commando is the path where we connect with the person, presence, and power of God. Highly recommend. * Jeff Christopherson, vice president, Send Network (NAMB); author, Kingdom Matrix *
In Reaching the Unreached Peyton Jones blends a unique mix of solid biblical foundations, real-life experience, and a fast-paced writing style that packs a punch. You won't be bored reading this book. You'll learn and you'll be inspired to reach the unreached. * Steve Addison, author, Pioneering Movements: Leadership that Multiplies Disciples and Churches *
In Reaching the Unreached, Peyton Jones combines his knowledge of Scripture with his passion for today's church. The result is a practical, biblical, and missional approach that any church of any size will be able to use. * Karl Vaters, author, The Grasshopper Myth; director, *
Jones combines the great commission with Acts 1:8 to form a powerful message about reaching the unreached. Put his thoughts into action, and reaching the unreached will no longer be a lost art. * Bill Easum, president, The Effective Church Group *
Let Peyton guide you back to Jesus's original adventure of mission on a path that is creative and biblical, provocative and practical. Peyton turns Acts 1:8 into Axe 1:8--- cutting to truth, chopping dead branches, and clearing the way to Jesus's original adventure that we often call the church's mission. * Will Mancini, founder and team leader, Auxano *
People are not merely projects to be fixed. They're image bearers of God in need of the gospel. When it comes to mission and evangelism, there are no short cuts or gimmicks. It is a labor of love. Peyton does a great job of communicating the heart of the Scriptures over and above what "sounds good." Relevant, current, and convicting. * Alex Early, Pastor of Preaching and Theology, Redemption Church *
Peyton and I have the same hunger to witness the undeniable, unexplainable, and uncontrollable work of the Spirit empower our church planting enterprises. He might just be the most qualified guy I've ever met to write a book about this subject. * Clint Clifton, author, Church Planting Thresholds *
Peyton has many years of experience in frontline ministry and also training leaders to reach the unreached. Read this book and you'll be sure to flee the office and hit the streets with the gospel. * Alan Briggs, multiplying catalyst, ministry coach, and director, Frontline Church Planting; author, Guardrails *
Peyton Jones is a hard-hitting evangelist with a heart to see people saved. His heart for infiltration is a shared passion, and I am excited to see how this book mobilizes the masses. * Dhati Lewis, lead pastor, Blueprint Church in Atlanta, Georgia; director of BLVD, NAMB *
Peyton's direct, no-nonsense message of our need to embed biblical evangelism into the DNA of our churches is spot on. His stories and insights challenge me on nearly every page. I highly recommend Reaching the Unreached to anyone involved in church planting and multiplication. * Todd Wilson, founder and director, Exponential *
Provocative, contemplative, and encouraging. Reaching the Unreached inflames the reader's heart, ruminating a quest to drive engagement to reach the lost. Ministry desk-jockeys be warned, this book may lead to radical change! * Matt Fretwell, national director of operations, New Breed Church Planting *
Reaching the Unreached is a biblical, transferrable approach creatively designed to motivate and mobilize the church to the front lines of mission. Jones cleverly draws principles directly from the book of Acts, translating them into twenty-first century language and context. * Linda Bergquist, church planting catalyst, North American Mission Board; coauthor, Church Turned Inside Out *
Reaching the Unreached is a much-needed gut punch and a call to return to the first love, and first works of the church: actually reaching lost people with the good news of the gospel. Peyton Jones makes our heritage as Christians come alive as the true adventure it was meant to be. * Caesar Kalinowski, author, Gospel Primer and Bigger Gospel *
Reaching the Unreached paints a picture of what it looks like to be a twenty-first century missionary and how to mobilize followers of Christ into mission and relationship in the communities God has placed us. * Chris Lagerlof, executive catalyst, Mission OC *
Read this book, if you dare. Peyton Jones delivers a passionate call to action for the local church. This book will inspire you to change your strategy and reframe your ideas about reaching people far from God. * Brian Bloye, senior pastor, West Ridge Church; coauthor, It's Personal *
Readable and engaging, Peyton Jones's Reaching the Unreached puts its finger on precisely where it hurts . . . and where it needs healing. An insightful and challenging meditation on the Great Commission and what it means today. * Dr. Robert E. Logan, author, The Church Planting Toolkit *
There is a desperate need for ordinary, down-to- earth evangelism to be rediscovered by the American church. Peyton's book is the best apologetic for that rediscovery that I have read in a very long time. This book will winsomely convince you that it's time to get back into the game---back to doing the work of evangelism. * Mike Breen, founder, 3DM *
Time to transform church from weekly performance to daily mission. No more spectators! Reaching the Unreached is thoroughly biblical and intensely practical. Jones's stories are real, hopeful, and as gutsy and dangerous as the Great Commission he calls us back to. * Kris Langham, pastor, Refuge Long Beach; founder, Through the Word app *
To reach the unreached, we need to get back to basic book-of- Acts principles! Peyton Jones has written a book that will lead the everyday Christian to those basics, and if followed, help to reach the unreached for Christ! * Don Overstreet, president/lead strategist, LA Reaching LA Foundation *
Wow! This book could not have come at a better time for our team as we are evaluating all we are doing in trying to reach the unreached. Great writing and power-packed with illustrations and applications. This is going to help our church! * Ron Edmondson, pastor, author, blogger *

Long Description

For too long church leaders have focused on increasing the size of their church rather than increasing their reach outside of the four walls of the church building. The result? Church life becomes a predictable set of routines with predictable results. Church members struggle to reach the neighborhoods they drive through on their way to church programs, unable to penetrate their surrounding communities in a meaningful way. Reaching the Unreached recounts the stories, struggles, and triumphs of individuals and churches that have reinvented themselves to meet the world where it is, working to reach the ones that no one else is reaching. The search for the "silver bullet" of success has diverted us from tapping into the timeless principles found in the book of Acts, says author, pastor, and front-line church planter Peyton Jones. Yet the spiritual climate that Paul and the Apostles stepped into is not all that different from the brave new world the church faces today. From accidentally planting a church in a Starbucks in Europe, to baptizing members of the Mexican mafia in Long Beach Harbor, Jones has been on the frontlines of today's missional movement and has lived to tell the tale. In Reaching the Unreached, he teaches church planters, pastors, and church leaders how to convert pew jockeys into missionaries and awake the sleeping giant of Christ's church, one person at a time. Today there are two types of churches: those who put their proverbial heads in the sand, and those who champion 1st century principles, meet the challenges head on, and embrace the adventure of mission in community. Tomorrow, only one type of church will survive--those that accept the challenge to reach the unreached.

Review Quote

I am really excited about Peyton Jones's new book. With his usual mix of personal confrontation, biblical sophistication, and pop-cultural elucidation, Peyton sets our eyes on the beautiful adventure of re-engaging and reaching the lost. I really enjoyed this book, and you will too.


Publisher Zondervan
Year 2017
ISBN-10 0310531101
ISBN-13 9780310531104
Format Paperback
Imprint Zondervan
Subtitle Becoming Raiders of the Lost Art
Place of Publication Grand Rapids
Country of Publication United States
Language English
Media Book
DEWEY 266.022
Pages 256
Author Alan Hirsch
UK Release Date 2017-06-15
Publication Date 2017-06-15
US Release Date 2017-06-15
Birth 1929
Affiliation Univ/Ill/Urbana-Champ Urbana Illinois USA
Position EDFR
Qualifications M.D.
Alternative 9780310531128
Audience Professional & Vocational
AU Release Date 2017-09-14
NZ Release Date 2017-09-14
