GEORGIA to ALABAMA Stampless Postal History Cover ANTEBELLUM

It was sent 2 Sep 18__. It was franked "Paid 5". It was sent from to Isaac Ul______.

This cover is in good, but NOT perfect condition. Please look at the scan and make your own judgement. It was roughly opened.

Member USCS & APS (I also earned the stamp collecting merit badge as a boy!). Please contact me if you have specific cover needs. I have thousands for sale, including; navals (USS, USNS, USCGC, Coast Guard, ship, Maritime), military posts, event, APO, hotel, postal history, memorabilia, etc. I offer approvals service with FREE shipping to USA repeat customers.

International shipping is just $2. However, if order total exceeds $20, then ebay standard shipping must be used which is $15. This includes tracking.