LT-22222-L LoRaWAN IO Controller allows users to send data and reach long ranges. It provides ultra-long-range spread spectrum communication and high interference immunity while minimizing current consumption.

This device targets professional wireless sensor network applications such as irrigation systems, smart metering, smart cities, smartphone detection, building automation, and so on.LT-22222-L LoRa I/O Controller aims to provide an easy and low-cost installation by using LoRa wireless technology.
The use environment includes:
1) If the user’s area has LoRaWAN service coverage, they can install the I/O controller and configure it to connect to the LoRaWAN provider via wireless.
2) User can set up a LoRaWAN gateway locally and configure the controller to connect to the gateway via wireless.



LT-22222-L LoRaWAN IO Controller