Fatio, Johannis

Der Arzney Doctor, Helvetisch-Vernünftiche Wehe-Mutter, oder, Gründlicher Unterricht, wie mit den Schwangeren, Gebährenden, Kindbetterinnen und neugebohrnen Kindern umzugehen, selbige gebührend zu verpflegen, und allerhand ihnen zustossenden Kranckheiten zu begegnen seye : samt einer ausführlichen Beschreibung von Fortpflanzung des menschlichen Geschlechts...

Basel: Verlegts Johann Rudolph Imhof, 1752. 8vo. [10] ,467, [17] pp. Rebound in brown cloth, red title labels with gold titling. First edition published posthumously 61 years after Fatio was executed for taking part in the Basel Revolution of 1691. Perforated library stamp and faint ink marking to title. Spotty discoloration and toning scattered infrequently throughout. Obstetrical work with one of the earliest treatise on how to successfully separate conjoined twins. Illustrated with 16 copper-engraved plates. Very Good.