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Icones Plantarum

by William Jackson Hooker

This world-famous series was begun by Sir William Jackson Hooker (1785–1865) in 1837, and the ten volumes reissued here were produced under his authorship until 1854. Each volume contains 100 line drawings of plants, accompanied by a full Latin description, with notes in English on habitat and significant features.

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Publisher Description

This world-famous work was begun by Sir William Jackson Hooker (1785–1865) in 1837, and the ten volumes reissued here were produced under his authorship until 1854, at which point his son, Joseph Dalton Hooker (1817–1911) continued the work of publication. Hooker's own herbarium, or collection of preserved plant specimens, was so extensive that at one point he stored it in one house and lived in another; it was left to the nation on his death. Each volume contains 100 line drawings of plants, and each is accompanied by a full Latin description, with notes in English on habitat and significant features. The order of the plants in each volume is not systematic, but two 'indexes' at the beginning provide plant lists, in alphabetical order and 'arranged according to the natural orders'.

Table of Contents

401. Aulaya Squamosa; 402. Quercus Skinneri; 403. Quercus Corrugata; 404. Quercus Corrugata; 405. Eucalyptus Macrocarpa; 406. Eucalyptus Macrocarpa; 407. Eucalyptus Macrocarpa; 408. Macarthuria; 409. Polypodium (Dictyopteris) Attenuatum; 410. Wilsonia Rotundifolia; 411. Tropaeolum Cirrhipes; 412. Macrostigma; 413. Crossolepis? Pusilla; 414. Lachnostachys; 415. Lachnostachys Ferruginea; 416. Triglochin? Calcaratum; 417. Lawrencia Glomerata; 418. Oxalis Cataractae; 419. Vitex Littoralis; 420. Vitex Littoralis; 421. Fuschia Procumbens; 422. Pteris (Allosorus) Rotundifolia; 423. Asplenium Bulbiferum; 424. Corokia; 425. Persoonia Quinquenervis; 426. Peroonia Laureola; 427. Lomaria Procera; 428. Lomaria Procera; 429. Lomaria Lanceolata; 430. Geniostoma Ligustrifolium; 431. Earina; 432. Hakea Conchifolia; 433. Hakea Platysperma; 434. Hakea Pandanicarpa; 435. Hakea Tricostata; 436. Hakea Tricostata; 437. Hakea Heterophylla; 438. Isopogon Axillaris; 439. Hakea Baxteri; 440. Hakea Baxteri; 441. Hakea Cucullata; 442. Hakea Incrassata; 443. Hakea Cristata; 444. Hakea Stenocarpa; 445. Hakea Intermedia; 446. Xylomelon Occidentale; 447. Hakea Undulata; 448. Carex Filifolia; 449. Physurus Vaginatus; 450. Fuschia Cordifolia; 451. Sinclairia Discolor; 452. Sinclairia Discolor; 453. Etaballia Giuanensis; 454. Etaballia Giuanensis; 455. Ocimum Bracteosum; 456. Acrocephalus Capitatus; 457. Marsypianthes Hyptoides; 458. Hyptis Verticillata; 459. Orthosiphon Rubicundus; 460. Plectranthus Ternifolius; 461. Eriope Macrostachya; 462. Geniosporum Strobiliferum; 463. Hyptis Salzmanni; 464. Plectranthus Scrophularoides; 465. Ilex Affinis; 466. Tapura Ciliata; 467. Adiantum Calcareum; 468. Achimenes Multiflora; 469. Tapina Villosa; 470. Echites Pulchella; 471. Ipomaea (Orthipomaea) Neriifolia; 472. Gloxinia Ichthyostoma; 473. Cleistes Speciosa; 474. Cleistes Speciosa; 475. Lindenia Acutiflora; 476. Lindenia Rivalis; 477. Coptophyllum Buniifolium; 478. Coptophyllum Millefolium; 479. Ipomaea (Strophipomaea) Goyazensis; 480. Achimenes Rupestris; 481. Antidesma Alnifolium; 482. Celastrus Subspicatus; 483. Oxyria Elatior; 484. Sauvagesia Deflexifolia; 485. Chiliotrichum Amelloides; 486. Aster Vahlii; 487. Cheilanthes Monticola; 488. Scolopendrium Lindeni; 489. Gunnera (Misandra) Falklandica; 490. Gunnera (Misandra) Falklandica; 491. Homoianthus Echinulatus; 492. Bolax Glebaria; 493. Senecio Littoralis; 494. Oxalis Enneaphylla; 495. Rubus Geoides; 496. Chabraea Suaveolens; 497. Ranunculus Biternatus; 498. Arabis Macloviana; 499. Viola Maculata; 500. Arachis Marginata.


Each volume in this world-famous series (1837–54) contains 100 drawings of plants, accompanied by a full Latin description.

Promotional "Headline"

Each volume in this world-famous series (1837-54) contains 100 drawings of plants, accompanied by a full Latin description.

Description for Bookstore

This world-famous series was begun by Sir William Jackson Hooker (1785-1865) in 1837, and the ten volumes reissued here were produced under his authorship until 1854. Each volume contains 100 line drawings of plants, accompanied by a full Latin description, with notes in English on habitat and significant features.

Description for Library

This world-famous series was begun by Sir William Jackson Hooker (1785-1865) in 1837, and the ten volumes reissued here were produced under his authorship until 1854. Each volume contains 100 line drawings of plants, accompanied by a full Latin description, with notes in English on habitat and significant features.


Author William Jackson Hooker
Year 2011
ISBN-10 1108039251
ISBN-13 9781108039253
Format Paperback
Imprint Cambridge University Press
Subtitle Or, Figures, with Brief Descriptive Characters and Remarks of New or Rare Plants, Selected from the Author's Herbarium
Place of Publication Cambridge
Country of Publication United Kingdom
Language English
Media Book
DEWEY 581.022
Pages 212
Birth 1785
Death 1865
Publisher Cambridge University Press
Publication Date 2011-11-08
Illustrations 100 Plates, black and white
UK Release Date 2011-11-08
AU Release Date 2011-11-08
NZ Release Date 2011-11-08
Alternative 9781139107693
Series Number Volume 5
Audience Professional & Vocational
Series Cambridge Library Collection - Botany and Horticulture
