Many and varied are the diseased champions who lead the Death Guard to war. From single colonies, through vectoriums and sepsis cohorts, right up to the plague companies and the ships of the Plague Fleets, Death Guard Lords hold positions of command throughout the Traitor Legion’s ranks – Lord Felthius, clad in Terminator armour and accompanied by his three-strong Tainted Cohort, is a notable example.

Lead a rock-hard contingent of elite warriors into battle with Lord Felthius, a powerful Lord of Contagion. Armed with a manreaper, Felthius can sweep whole crowds of lesser foes aside. Lord Felthius is a particularly fine example of a Chaos Lord who truly loves his work – despite (or possibly because of) his pitted, rotting Terminator armour, his face is modelled in a cheerful rictus, staring proudly at the plague censer held aloft in his right hand which is dripping viscous fluids of an unpleasantly diseased nature. His armour is decorated with chainmail, furs and a boil-covered cloak, and the manreaper in his left hand features connectors and pipes that allow it to secrete diseased fluids that infect everything it touches.

His accompanying Tainted Cohort are no less horrific, weathering extreme storms of fire, and they're an excellent choice for brawling right in the centre of the battlefield. These 3 Blightlord Terminators are armed with the following: one carries a combi-bolter and balesword, one carries a combi-bolter and bubotic axe, and one wields a plaguespewer which is a bit, well, dribbly. Each has the horrible, rusted marks of Nurgle you would expect, and the Blightlord Terminator with the balesword is literally bursting with bubo-covered tentacles – they’re sticking out of where his face should be…