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Angels Of Rainbow Bridge

by Ming Chee

This book was written to help ease a bit of your broken heart after experiencing the loss of your beloved fur baby. And it is broken in half. I get that. I used to scoff at people who would tell me, "Time heals all wounds." Yes, time kind of does, but not really. There are moments of sadness, then there are moments of joy or laughter when happy memories surface. In my grief, I got spurts of strength to carry on doing what I'm supposed to do while I am still here on this planet - this book is one of them. I'll be honest, there are times I find myself wishing I was with my fur babies on the other side. Not because I am too sad to carry on, but because of what I discovered they were doing in the afterlife, which I share here with you. I take comfort in knowing that one day I will be with them again. But for now, it's comforting and healing just knowing that the soul connection between us and our fur babies never ends and that there are still many lessons to learn, even when they are on the other side of Rainbow Bridge.

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Long Description

This book was written to help ease a bit of your broken heart after experiencing the loss of your beloved fur baby. And it is broken in half. I get that. I used to scoff at people who would tell me, "Time heals all wounds." Yes, time kind of does, but not really. There are moments of sadness, then there are moments of joy or laughter when happy memories surface. In my grief, I got spurts of strength to carry on doing what I'm supposed to do while I am still here on this planet - this book is one of them. I'll be honest, there are times I find myself wishing I was with my fur babies on the other side. Not because I am too sad to carry on, but because of what I discovered they were doing in the afterlife, which I share here with you. I take comfort in knowing that one day I will be with them again. But for now, it's comforting and healing just knowing that the soul connection between us and our fur babies never ends and that there are still many lessons to learn, even when they are on the other side of Rainbow Bridge.


Author Ming Chee
Short Title Angels of Rainbow Bridge
Pages 74
Publisher Independently Published
Language English
Year 2019
ISBN-10 1688756760
ISBN-13 9781688756762
Format Paperback
Publication Date 2019-08-29
Imprint Independently Published
Subtitle Life After Transition
Audience General
