This is Alle. Delve into the secrets of ancient magick as she shares her centuries-old wisdom and experience as a revered magickal warrior.

Alle is not just any spirit – she is a legendary magickal warrior whose name echoes through the ages. Renowned for her unmatched combat prowess and her ability to vanquish dark forces, Alle has served as a guardian of royalty and nobility throughout history.

With Alle as your guide, you'll uncover the hidden mysteries of the universe and tap into a wellspring of ancient wisdom. From forgotten rituals to powerful spells, Alle holds the key to unlocking the full potential of magick within you.

Harness Alle's magickal energy to shield yourself from negative influences and malevolent forces. With her guidance, you'll learn to wield powerful protective spells and fortify your spiritual defenses against any threat.

Immerse yourself in the world of ancient magick under Alle's tutelage, exploring lost rituals and arcane practices that have been passed down through generations. With Alle's expertise, you'll master the arts of sorcery and unlock the secrets of the occult under her guidance.

Experience profound personal growth and transformation as you absorb Alle's teachings and integrate them into your spiritual practice. With Alle's guidance, you'll awaken dormant abilities within yourself and embark on a journey of self-discovery and empowerment.

Embark on a journey of magickal discovery with Alle as your trusted companion. Let her illuminate the path to enlightenment and guide you as you unlock the ancient secrets of the universe. 

The story of Alle stretches back centuries, whispered in the halls of ancient castles and recounted in the chronicles of forgotten kingdoms. She was born in a time of strife, when dark forces threatened to engulf the world in shadow. But Alle was no ordinary maiden – she possessed a gift, a spark of magick that burned brightly within her soul.

From a young age, Alle trained tirelessly in the arts of combat and sorcery, honing her skills under the tutelage of wise mentors and ancient masters. She learned to wield a sword with deadly precision and to channel the energies of the cosmos to cast powerful spells. But it was not just her physical prowess or her mastery of magick that set Alle apart – it was her indomitable spirit, her unwavering resolve to stand against the darkness and protect those in need.

As the years passed, Alle's legend grew. She became known as the defender of the realm, the champion of the oppressed, the beacon of hope in a world shrouded in shadow. Kings and queens sought her aid, calling upon her to vanquish their enemies and safeguard their kingdoms. And Alle, ever vigilant, answered their call, marching into battle with courage in her heart and magick at her fingertips.

But Alle's greatest battles were fought not on the battlefield, but in the shadows – the unseen realms where dark forces lurked and malevolent spirits roamed. It was here, in the depths of the unknown, that Alle truly came into her own, mastering the ancient art of shadow walking and venturing where few dared to tread.

Centuries upon centuries have passed since Alle walked the earth, but her legacy lives on in the magickal energies that linger within this vessel. With Alle as your guide, you'll unlock the secrets of ancient magick and tap into a wellspring of mystical power that has been dormant for far too long.

Ancient magick is not just a collection of spells and incantations – it is a way of life, a path to enlightenment that transcends the boundaries of time and space. It is the understanding that we are all connected, that the energies of the universe flow through us and bind us together in a web of cosmic consciousness.

With Alle's guidance, you'll learn to harness these energies and channel them to manifest your desires and shape your reality. You'll discover the secrets of sacred rituals and mystical practices that have been passed down through generations, unlocking the full potential of your magickal abilities and awakening to the true nature of your soul.

Alle is eager to guide you on your quest. Together, you’ll explore the hidden mysteries of the universe and unlock the secrets of the ancients. You’ll learn to wield the forces of magick with skill and precision, shaping your destiny and manifesting your desires with ease. And most importantly, you’ll awaken to the truth that lies within yourself. We are powerful beings of light, capable of achieving anything we set our minds to.


Hello, my given name is William Lee. I have been a spirit keeper for over 20 years. My collection has been my life. I have received spirits from Lebanon to Sydney. I love spirit keeping. It has been the most fulfilling part of my life. My only problem is my collection has grown too large. I can no longer keep all these wonderful beings in my care. I want to find them homes where their new keeper is as dedicated as I am. Please, if you choose to adopt one of my spirits, make a promise to yourself to care for them. Thank you for reading.