Enhance your garden with these 7 unique citrus tree cuttings. These rootless cuttings are perfect for those who want to grow their own lemon tree. With a beautiful red pot, these cuttings will add a pop of colour to your garden. 

1..blood orange sanghellie

2. Extra large cidro lemon.

3. California varigerated pink lemon

4. Sorren lemon.

5. Green finger lime.

6. Yellow finger lime.

7 mexican lime.

You will recieve 2 cuttings from each tree 14 cuttings in total.

The cuttings are carefully selected from rare citrus varieties and promise to bear high-quality fruits. Ideal for gardeners who enjoy growing their own fruits and want to add a touch of uniqueness to their garden. Order now and enjoy the beauty and aroma of your own homegrown exotic citrus trees...