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KORG - MONOLOGUE BLACK - Synthétiseur analogique

Le monologue est un synthétiseur monodique analogique entièrement programmable, destiné à tous les musiciens, qui partage l’esprit du célèbre minilogue mais avec un système entièrement nouveau et de puissantes caractéristiques.

Doté d’un clavier de 25 touches, il reprend l’aspect élégant, le principe d’un bouton par commande et la fabrication de haute qualité du minilogue. Le monologue est un synthé vraiment innovant qui offre de nouvelles possibilités de construction sonore et ce, à un prix étonnant. Filtre, modulation, saturation et LFO peuvent créer des basses puissantes ou des aigus percutants et offrir ainsi de superbes sonorités qui mettent en valeur son système à une seule voix. Les capacités du séquenceur pas à pas ont été étendues pour permettre une construction plus complexe et davantage intuitive. Décliné en cinq couleurs éclatantes, cet instrument compact recèle une forte personnalité qui mettra en valeur la vôtre.

Caractéristiques :

Une électronique analogique monodique revisitée

Le monologue intègre des circuits de synthèse analogique monodique inspirés de ceux du minilogue. Mais cela ne signifie pas pour autant que le monologue ne serait que la réplique monodique du minilogue. Il s’agit d’une machine vraiment puissante, dotée d’une nouvelle section pour les enveloppes, d’un routage de modulation et d’un filtre efficace.

Il se compose de 2 VCO, 1 VCE, 1 EG, 1 VCA et de 1 LFO. En sus des circuits du minilogue (comme la modification des formes d’onde qui induisent les harmoniques de l’oscillateur et un interrupteur sync/ring), on trouve un filtre bipolaire qui délivre un son agressif. S’y ajoute une saturation qui accroît les harmoniques et la distorsion du son, vous permettant dès lors de créer des basses intenses et des aigus percutants autant que vous le souhaitez. La valeur du LFO peut être ajustée à une vitesse extrême, inconnue jusqu’alors, pour produire des sonorités spatiales, ou celui-ci peut être basculé en mode one-shot pour se transformer en une sorte d’enveloppe supplémentaire.

Le clavier reprend les fines touches tant appréciées du minilogue et du MS-20 mini. Afin de s’adapter au jeu de n’importe quel musicien, son étendue couvre les notes de Mi à Mi à l’instar d’une guitare ou d’une basse.

Entièrement programmable.

En comportant quelque 100 présélections ,le monologue surpasse les synthétiseurs analogiques dans sa gamme de prix. Il suffit de choisir un programme pour obtenir instantanément des sons extraordinaires : des basses profondes, des aigus scintillants et même des séquences percussives. Inutile de posséder de solides connaissances en synthèse sonore : sélectionnez un son et modifiez-le à votre guise, une façon de procéder qu’apprécient les musiciens actuels. Les programmes intégrés comprennent 80 présélections et séquences conçues par des artistes du monde entier y compris le célèbre compositeur de musique électronique Aphex Twin, qui s’ajoutent aux 20 emplacements utilisateurs destinés au stockage de ses sons personnels.De surcroît, la Sound Librarian vous permet de gérer vos données de programme.

Un séquenceur 16 pas pour des séquences de mouvement de qualité.

Le séquenceur pas à pas du monologue a été singulièrement amélioré pour offrir des rythmes complexes à la forte musicalité, faciles à mettre en place, à visualiser et à modifier. Il permet à la fois un enregistrement en temps réel et fractionné (overdub) et un engistrement pas à pas en enfonçant simplement les touches dans l’ordre désiré. Vous pouvez également utiliser les 16 boutons pour improviser ou pour modifier rapidement les séquences. La commande Séquence de mouvement (motion sequence) vous permet d’enregistrer jusqu’à 4 rotations de boutons pour appliquer une variation temporelle du son ; ce qui va au-delà de l’enregistrement de valeurs changeantes comme sur les précédents modèles au profit de variations en fonction du pas. Comme il a été conçu de façon à autoriser la création de sons différents à chaque pas, il devient loisible de créer des séquences inédites comme celle d’un pattern de batterie à partir d’un unique programme.

Il existe également une fonction de déclenchement qui vous permet de rejouer une séquence en enfonçant une touche, et même de la transposer. Autre commande nouvelle, le glissé (slide) qui sera utilisée pour produire des lignes de basses tout en douceur en spécifiant un portamento à chaque pas.

Le micro-accordage pour créer ses propres gammes.

La musique a longtemps été réduite aux gammes tempérées et aujourd’hui encore, rares sont les machines qui proposent le micro-accordage (microtuning). Le monologue comporte un ensemble d’accordages d’usine et 12 emplacements utilisateur et se montre compatible avec les messages Midi tuning standard 3Byte.

La puissance de la musique microtonale se retrouve dans le travail d’Aphex Twin qui nous a rejoints pour proposer des gammes, des sons, des séquences inclus dans les présélections d’usine. Tous les musiciens sont encouragés non seulement à reprendre les créations d’Aphex mais aussi à inventer leurs propres gammes et à explorer leur monde de fréquences à eux.

Specifications :

  • Clavier : 25 touches de taille intermédiaire sensibles à la vélocité
  • Génération sonore : Synthèse analogique
  • Programmes : 100 (80 présélections / 20 utilisateurs) ; Chaque programme inclut un micro-accord et des données de séquence
  • Principaux paramètres de synthèse MASTER Drive VCO1 onde (dent-de-scie, triangulaire, carrée), shape  VCO2 octave, onde (dent-de-scie, triangulaire, bruit), sync/ring, pitch, shape  MIXER VCO1, VCO2 FILTRE Cutoff, résonance EG Type (A/D, A/G/D, G), Attack, Decay, Int, Target (Pitch, Pitch 2, Cutoff) LFO Onde (dent-de-scie, triangulaire, carrée), mode (fast, slow, 1-shot), rate, int, target (pitch, shape, cutoff)
  • Séquenceur : monodique 16 pas Le séquenceur de mouvement peut être utilisé pour les quatre paramètres
  • Micro accordage : 32 réglages (20 présélections / 6 gammes utilisateur / 6 octaves utilisateur) . Chaque réglage peut définir la tonalité.
  • Contrôles : 23 commandes dédiées pour un accès immédiat aux paramètres . Un curseur permet de contrôler différents paramètres pour chaque programme
  • Affichage : Oscilloscope oLed en temps réel offrant un aperçu des modifications de paramètres
  • Connecteurrs :
  • Casque (prise jack stéréo 6,3 mm)
  • Sortie (prise jack mono 6,3 mm)
  • Entrée audio (prise jack mono 6,3 mm)
  • Entrée sync (prise mini jack mono 3,5mm)
  • Sortie sync (prise mini jack mono 3,5mm)
  • Entrée MIDI
  • Sortie MIDI
  • USB Type B
  • Alimentation :
  • Piles alcalines ou nickel-métal hydride AA x 6
  • Adaptateur secteur DC 9V en option
  • Durée de vie des piles :
  • 6 heures environ avec des piles alcalines
  • 8 heures environ avec des piles nickel-métal hydride
  • Consommation d’énergie : 2.5 W
  • Dimensions : (L x P x H) 350 x 276 x 76 mm 
  • Weight : 1.7 kg
  • Coloris : Argent, noir, rouge, bleu nuit, doré Éléments inclus 6 piles alcalines AA x 6 (pour la vérification)
  • Accessoires  Optionnels : 
  • Adaptateur secteur DC 9V
  • Câble Sync SQ-CABLE-6



249,00 €

Availability:  Available in supplier stock
Processing time:  Under 2 working days
Guaranty: 3 years by manufacturer

More info

KORG - MONOLOGUE BLACK - Analogue Synthesizer

Fully programmable, analog synthesis for all players; monologue is the next-generation monophonic synthesizer that shares the spirit of the acclaimed minilogue, with a completely new voice and powerful new features.

The monologue is a 25-key, fully programmable monophonic analog synthesizer with a voice all its own. While sharing its sleek layout, knob-per-function workflow and high-quality construction with the best-selling minilogue, monologue is a truly unique new synth for all types of musicians; featuring new voicing and sound sculpting abilities – at an amazing price. The monologue's completely new filter, modulation, drive, and LFO can generate powerful basses and sharp leads, creating awesome mono sounds that showcase its single-voice design. The step sequencer has also been dramatically expanded, allowing more intuitive and more complex editing. With a lineup that gives you a choice of five eye-catching colors, this compact instrument has a strong personality to match your own.

Features :

Redesigned monophonic analog circuitry.

The monologue contains monophonic analog synthesizer circuitry that builds on the circuitry of the minilogue. But that doesn’t mean that the monologue is simply a one-voice model of the minilogue. It’s a monophonic beast with stunning power that comes from a redesigned envelope section, modulation routing, and a filter with powerful low-end punch.

The structure is 2VCO, 1VCF, 1EG, 1VCA, and 1LFO. In addition to the same distinctive circuits as on the minilogue (such as the wave shaping that shapes the overtones of the oscillator, and a sync/ring switch), the filter section uses a two-pole filter to deliver aggressive sound. Newly featured is a drive circuit that adds overtones and distortion to the sound, letting you generate fat basses and sharp lead sounds to your heart's content. The LFO rate can be adjusted into an unprecedentedly ultra-high-speed range to generate crazy space-shattering sounds, or switched to one-shot mode to act, in a sense, as an additional envelope.

The keyboard section features the acclaimed slim keybed of the minilogue and the MS-20 mini. To make monologue a synth that any musician can immediately pick up and play, the keyboard covers the E–E range of notes - just like a guitar or bass.

Fully programmable.

The monologue goes beyond analog synths in its price range by adding 100 preset locations. Select a program for instant access to great sounds - - ranging from thick basses to deep subs to brilliant cutting leads and even percussive sequences. No need to have deep synthesis knowledge; just choose a sound and tweak - a workflow that is very familiar with musicians today. Built-in programs provide 80 preset sounds and sequences made by creative artists around the world including legendary electronic artist Aphex Twin, plus 20 user locations for saving custom sounds.

In addition, the Sound Librarian lets you manage your program data.

16-step sequencer for highly-evolved motion sequences.

The step sequencer of the monologue has been significantly enhanced to deliver musical, complex rhythms that are easy to capture, see, and edit. It supports both real-time recording with overdubbing capability as well as step recording that lets you record simply by pressing keys in the desired order, and you can also use the 16 physical buttons for quick editing or for improvisatory performance. The motion sequence function lets you record up to four knob movements to apply time-varying change to the sound, and allows you to record not only continuously changing values as on previous models, but also values with step-wise variation. Since it's designed to let you create different sounds at each step, you can make unprecedented sequences, such as a sequence that generates a drum pattern from a single program.

There's also a key trigger function that lets you play back a sequence while you hold down a key, and even transpose it. Another new function is slide, which can be used to produce smooth bass lines by specifying portamento for each step.

Microtuning lets you freely create scales.

Music has long been restrained to equal-temperament scales, and today, very few machines support microtuning. The monologue has a set of factory tunings and well as 12 user slots and is compatible with MIDI Tuning Standard 3Byte messages.

The power of microtonal music is evident in the work of Aphex Twin, who has come onboard as advisor for the implementation and also to offer scales, sounds and sequences as part of the factory presets. All players are encouraged not just to use these Aphex Twin-created scales, but also to create their own scales and explore their own world of frequencies.

Specifications :

  • Keyboard : 25-keys (Slim-key, velocity sensitive) Sound Generation Analog synthesis Program 100 programs (80 Presets / 20 Users) Each program includes microtuning and sequence data settings
  • Main Synthesis Parameters : MASTER Drive VCO1 Wave (Saw, Triangle, Square), Shape VCO2 Octave, Wave (Saw, Triangle, Noise), Sync/Ring, Pitch, Shape MIXER VCO1, VCO2 FILTER Cutoff, Resonance EG Type (A/D, A/G/D, G), Attack, Decay, Int, Target (Pitch, Pitch 2, Cutoff) LFO Wave (Saw, Triangle, Square), Mode (Fast, Slow, 1-Shot), Rate, Int, Target (Pitch, Shape, Cutoff)
  • Sequencer : 16-step monophonic sequencer . Motion sequence can be used on up to four parameters Microtuning 32 settings (20 Preset tunings / 6 User scales / 6 User octaves). Each setting can be set the key.
  • Controls : 23 dedicated panel controls deliver immediate parameter access. A slider can control different parameters for each program
  • Display : Real-time OLED oscilloscope provides visual feedback of parameter changes
  • Connectors :
  •  Headphones (6.3mm stereo phone jack)
  • Output (6.3mm monaural phone jack)
  • Audio In (6.3mm monaural phone jack)
  • Sync In (3.5mm monaural mini jack)
  • Sync Out (3.5mm monaural mini jack)
  • MIDI In
  • MIDI Out
  • USB Type B
  • Power Supply :
  • AA alkaline battery x 6 or AA nickel-metal hydride battery x 6
  • Or AC adapter (DC 9V) (optional)
  • Battery Life Approximately : 6 hours (using alkaline batteries)
  • Approximately 8 hours (using nickel-metal hydride batteries)
  • Power Consumption : 2.5 W
  • Dimensions : (W x D x H) 350 x 276 x 76 mm / 13.78" x 10.87" x 2.99"
  • Weight : 1.7 kg / 3.78 lbs.
  • Color Variations : Silver, Black, Red, Dark Blue, Gold Included Items AA alkaline battery x 6 (for verifying operation)
  • Optional Accessories :
  • AC adapter (DC 9V)
  • Sync Cable SQ-CABLE-6



249,00 €

Availability:  Available in supplier stock
Processing time:  Under 2 working days
Guaranty: 3 years by manufacturer


KORG - MONOLOGUE BLACK - Analogue Synthesizer

Fully programmable, analog synthesis for all players; monologue is the next-generation monophonic synthesizer that shares the spirit of the acclaimed minilogue, with a completely new voice and powerful new features.

The monologue is a 25-key, fully programmable monophonic analog synthesizer with a voice all its own. While sharing its sleek layout, knob-per-function workflow and high-quality construction with the best-selling minilogue, monologue is a truly unique new synth for all types of musicians; featuring new voicing and sound sculpting abilities – at an amazing price. The monologue's completely new filter, modulation, drive, and LFO can generate powerful basses and sharp leads, creating awesome mono sounds that showcase its single-voice design. The step sequencer has also been dramatically expanded, allowing more intuitive and more complex editing. With a lineup that gives you a choice of five eye-catching colors, this compact instrument has a strong personality to match your own.

Features :

Redesigned monophonic analog circuitry.

The monologue contains monophonic analog synthesizer circuitry that builds on the circuitry of the minilogue. But that doesn’t mean that the monologue is simply a one-voice model of the minilogue. It’s a monophonic beast with stunning power that comes from a redesigned envelope section, modulation routing, and a filter with powerful low-end punch.

The structure is 2VCO, 1VCF, 1EG, 1VCA, and 1LFO. In addition to the same distinctive circuits as on the minilogue (such as the wave shaping that shapes the overtones of the oscillator, and a sync/ring switch), the filter section uses a two-pole filter to deliver aggressive sound. Newly featured is a drive circuit that adds overtones and distortion to the sound, letting you generate fat basses and sharp lead sounds to your heart's content. The LFO rate can be adjusted into an unprecedentedly ultra-high-speed range to generate crazy space-shattering sounds, or switched to one-shot mode to act, in a sense, as an additional envelope.

The keyboard section features the acclaimed slim keybed of the minilogue and the MS-20 mini. To make monologue a synth that any musician can immediately pick up and play, the keyboard covers the E–E range of notes - just like a guitar or bass.

Fully programmable.

The monologue goes beyond analog synths in its price range by adding 100 preset locations. Select a program for instant access to great sounds - - ranging from thick basses to deep subs to brilliant cutting leads and even percussive sequences. No need to have deep synthesis knowledge; just choose a sound and tweak - a workflow that is very familiar with musicians today. Built-in programs provide 80 preset sounds and sequences made by creative artists around the world including legendary electronic artist Aphex Twin, plus 20 user locations for saving custom sounds.

In addition, the Sound Librarian lets you manage your program data.

16-step sequencer for highly-evolved motion sequences.

The step sequencer of the monologue has been significantly enhanced to deliver musical, complex rhythms that are easy to capture, see, and edit. It supports both real-time recording with overdubbing capability as well as step recording that lets you record simply by pressing keys in the desired order, and you can also use the 16 physical buttons for quick editing or for improvisatory performance. The motion sequence function lets you record up to four knob movements to apply time-varying change to the sound, and allows you to record not only continuously changing values as on previous models, but also values with step-wise variation. Since it's designed to let you create different sounds at each step, you can make unprecedented sequences, such as a sequence that generates a drum pattern from a single program.

There's also a key trigger function that lets you play back a sequence while you hold down a key, and even transpose it. Another new function is slide, which can be used to produce smooth bass lines by specifying portamento for each step.

Microtuning lets you freely create scales.

Music has long been restrained to equal-temperament scales, and today, very few machines support microtuning. The monologue has a set of factory tunings and well as 12 user slots and is compatible with MIDI Tuning Standard 3Byte messages.

The power of microtonal music is evident in the work of Aphex Twin, who has come onboard as advisor for the implementation and also to offer scales, sounds and sequences as part of the factory presets. All players are encouraged not just to use these Aphex Twin-created scales, but also to create their own scales and explore their own world of frequencies.

Specifications :

  • Keyboard : 25-keys (Slim-key, velocity sensitive) Sound Generation Analog synthesis Program 100 programs (80 Presets / 20 Users) Each program includes microtuning and sequence data settings
  • Main Synthesis Parameters : MASTER Drive VCO1 Wave (Saw, Triangle, Square), Shape VCO2 Octave, Wave (Saw, Triangle, Noise), Sync/Ring, Pitch, Shape MIXER VCO1, VCO2 FILTER Cutoff, Resonance EG Type (A/D, A/G/D, G), Attack, Decay, Int, Target (Pitch, Pitch 2, Cutoff) LFO Wave (Saw, Triangle, Square), Mode (Fast, Slow, 1-Shot), Rate, Int, Target (Pitch, Shape, Cutoff)
  • Sequencer : 16-step monophonic sequencer . Motion sequence can be used on up to four parameters Microtuning 32 settings (20 Preset tunings / 6 User scales / 6 User octaves). Each setting can be set the key.
  • Controls : 23 dedicated panel controls deliver immediate parameter access. A slider can control different parameters for each program
  • Display : Real-time OLED oscilloscope provides visual feedback of parameter changes
  • Connectors :
  •  Headphones (6.3mm stereo phone jack)
  • Output (6.3mm monaural phone jack)
  • Audio In (6.3mm monaural phone jack)
  • Sync In (3.5mm monaural mini jack)
  • Sync Out (3.5mm monaural mini jack)
  • MIDI In
  • MIDI Out
  • USB Type B
  • Power Supply :
  • AA alkaline battery x 6 or AA nickel-metal hydride battery x 6
  • Or AC adapter (DC 9V) (optional)
  • Battery Life Approximately : 6 hours (using alkaline batteries)
  • Approximately 8 hours (using nickel-metal hydride batteries)
  • Power Consumption : 2.5 W
  • Dimensions : (W x D x H) 350 x 276 x 76 mm / 13.78" x 10.87" x 2.99"
  • Weight : 1.7 kg / 3.78 lbs.
  • Color Variations : Silver, Black, Red, Dark Blue, Gold Included Items AA alkaline battery x 6 (for verifying operation)
  • Optional Accessories :
  • AC adapter (DC 9V)
  • Sync Cable SQ-CABLE-6



249,00 €

Availability:  Available in supplier stock
Processing time:  Under 2 working days
Guaranty: 3 years by manufacturer


KORG - MONOLOGUE BLACK - Analogue Synthesizer

Fully programmable, analog synthesis for all players; monologue is the next-generation monophonic synthesizer that shares the spirit of the acclaimed minilogue, with a completely new voice and powerful new features.

The monologue is a 25-key, fully programmable monophonic analog synthesizer with a voice all its own. While sharing its sleek layout, knob-per-function workflow and high-quality construction with the best-selling minilogue, monologue is a truly unique new synth for all types of musicians; featuring new voicing and sound sculpting abilities – at an amazing price. The monologue's completely new filter, modulation, drive, and LFO can generate powerful basses and sharp leads, creating awesome mono sounds that showcase its single-voice design. The step sequencer has also been dramatically expanded, allowing more intuitive and more complex editing. With a lineup that gives you a choice of five eye-catching colors, this compact instrument has a strong personality to match your own.

Features :

Redesigned monophonic analog circuitry.

The monologue contains monophonic analog synthesizer circuitry that builds on the circuitry of the minilogue. But that doesn’t mean that the monologue is simply a one-voice model of the minilogue. It’s a monophonic beast with stunning power that comes from a redesigned envelope section, modulation routing, and a filter with powerful low-end punch.

The structure is 2VCO, 1VCF, 1EG, 1VCA, and 1LFO. In addition to the same distinctive circuits as on the minilogue (such as the wave shaping that shapes the overtones of the oscillator, and a sync/ring switch), the filter section uses a two-pole filter to deliver aggressive sound. Newly featured is a drive circuit that adds overtones and distortion to the sound, letting you generate fat basses and sharp lead sounds to your heart's content. The LFO rate can be adjusted into an unprecedentedly ultra-high-speed range to generate crazy space-shattering sounds, or switched to one-shot mode to act, in a sense, as an additional envelope.

The keyboard section features the acclaimed slim keybed of the minilogue and the MS-20 mini. To make monologue a synth that any musician can immediately pick up and play, the keyboard covers the E–E range of notes - just like a guitar or bass.

Fully programmable.

The monologue goes beyond analog synths in its price range by adding 100 preset locations. Select a program for instant access to great sounds - - ranging from thick basses to deep subs to brilliant cutting leads and even percussive sequences. No need to have deep synthesis knowledge; just choose a sound and tweak - a workflow that is very familiar with musicians today. Built-in programs provide 80 preset sounds and sequences made by creative artists around the world including legendary electronic artist Aphex Twin, plus 20 user locations for saving custom sounds.

In addition, the Sound Librarian lets you manage your program data.

16-step sequencer for highly-evolved motion sequences.

The step sequencer of the monologue has been significantly enhanced to deliver musical, complex rhythms that are easy to capture, see, and edit. It supports both real-time recording with overdubbing capability as well as step recording that lets you record simply by pressing keys in the desired order, and you can also use the 16 physical buttons for quick editing or for improvisatory performance. The motion sequence function lets you record up to four knob movements to apply time-varying change to the sound, and allows you to record not only continuously changing values as on previous models, but also values with step-wise variation. Since it's designed to let you create different sounds at each step, you can make unprecedented sequences, such as a sequence that generates a drum pattern from a single program.

There's also a key trigger function that lets you play back a sequence while you hold down a key, and even transpose it. Another new function is slide, which can be used to produce smooth bass lines by specifying portamento for each step.

Microtuning lets you freely create scales.

Music has long been restrained to equal-temperament scales, and today, very few machines support microtuning. The monologue has a set of factory tunings and well as 12 user slots and is compatible with MIDI Tuning Standard 3Byte messages.

The power of microtonal music is evident in the work of Aphex Twin, who has come onboard as advisor for the implementation and also to offer scales, sounds and sequences as part of the factory presets. All players are encouraged not just to use these Aphex Twin-created scales, but also to create their own scales and explore their own world of frequencies.

Specifications :

  • Keyboard : 25-keys (Slim-key, velocity sensitive) Sound Generation Analog synthesis Program 100 programs (80 Presets / 20 Users) Each program includes microtuning and sequence data settings
  • Main Synthesis Parameters : MASTER Drive VCO1 Wave (Saw, Triangle, Square), Shape VCO2 Octave, Wave (Saw, Triangle, Noise), Sync/Ring, Pitch, Shape MIXER VCO1, VCO2 FILTER Cutoff, Resonance EG Type (A/D, A/G/D, G), Attack, Decay, Int, Target (Pitch, Pitch 2, Cutoff) LFO Wave (Saw, Triangle, Square), Mode (Fast, Slow, 1-Shot), Rate, Int, Target (Pitch, Shape, Cutoff)
  • Sequencer : 16-step monophonic sequencer . Motion sequence can be used on up to four parameters Microtuning 32 settings (20 Preset tunings / 6 User scales / 6 User octaves). Each setting can be set the key.
  • Controls : 23 dedicated panel controls deliver immediate parameter access. A slider can control different parameters for each program
  • Display : Real-time OLED oscilloscope provides visual feedback of parameter changes
  • Connectors :
  •  Headphones (6.3mm stereo phone jack)
  • Output (6.3mm monaural phone jack)
  • Audio In (6.3mm monaural phone jack)
  • Sync In (3.5mm monaural mini jack)
  • Sync Out (3.5mm monaural mini jack)
  • MIDI In
  • MIDI Out
  • USB Type B
  • Power Supply :
  • AA alkaline battery x 6 or AA nickel-metal hydride battery x 6
  • Or AC adapter (DC 9V) (optional)
  • Battery Life Approximately : 6 hours (using alkaline batteries)
  • Approximately 8 hours (using nickel-metal hydride batteries)
  • Power Consumption : 2.5 W
  • Dimensions : (W x D x H) 350 x 276 x 76 mm / 13.78" x 10.87" x 2.99"
  • Weight : 1.7 kg / 3.78 lbs.
  • Color Variations : Silver, Black, Red, Dark Blue, Gold Included Items AA alkaline battery x 6 (for verifying operation)
  • Optional Accessories :
  • AC adapter (DC 9V)
  • Sync Cable SQ-CABLE-6



249,00 €

Availability:  Available in supplier stock
Processing time:  Under 2 working days
Guaranty: 3 years by manufacturer


KORG - MONOLOGUE BLACK - Analogue Synthesizer

Fully programmable, analog synthesis for all players; monologue is the next-generation monophonic synthesizer that shares the spirit of the acclaimed minilogue, with a completely new voice and powerful new features.

The monologue is a 25-key, fully programmable monophonic analog synthesizer with a voice all its own. While sharing its sleek layout, knob-per-function workflow and high-quality construction with the best-selling minilogue, monologue is a truly unique new synth for all types of musicians; featuring new voicing and sound sculpting abilities – at an amazing price. The monologue's completely new filter, modulation, drive, and LFO can generate powerful basses and sharp leads, creating awesome mono sounds that showcase its single-voice design. The step sequencer has also been dramatically expanded, allowing more intuitive and more complex editing. With a lineup that gives you a choice of five eye-catching colors, this compact instrument has a strong personality to match your own.

Features :

Redesigned monophonic analog circuitry.

The monologue contains monophonic analog synthesizer circuitry that builds on the circuitry of the minilogue. But that doesn’t mean that the monologue is simply a one-voice model of the minilogue. It’s a monophonic beast with stunning power that comes from a redesigned envelope section, modulation routing, and a filter with powerful low-end punch.

The structure is 2VCO, 1VCF, 1EG, 1VCA, and 1LFO. In addition to the same distinctive circuits as on the minilogue (such as the wave shaping that shapes the overtones of the oscillator, and a sync/ring switch), the filter section uses a two-pole filter to deliver aggressive sound. Newly featured is a drive circuit that adds overtones and distortion to the sound, letting you generate fat basses and sharp lead sounds to your heart's content. The LFO rate can be adjusted into an unprecedentedly ultra-high-speed range to generate crazy space-shattering sounds, or switched to one-shot mode to act, in a sense, as an additional envelope.

The keyboard section features the acclaimed slim keybed of the minilogue and the MS-20 mini. To make monologue a synth that any musician can immediately pick up and play, the keyboard covers the E–E range of notes - just like a guitar or bass.

Fully programmable.

The monologue goes beyond analog synths in its price range by adding 100 preset locations. Select a program for instant access to great sounds - - ranging from thick basses to deep subs to brilliant cutting leads and even percussive sequences. No need to have deep synthesis knowledge; just choose a sound and tweak - a workflow that is very familiar with musicians today. Built-in programs provide 80 preset sounds and sequences made by creative artists around the world including legendary electronic artist Aphex Twin, plus 20 user locations for saving custom sounds.

In addition, the Sound Librarian lets you manage your program data.

16-step sequencer for highly-evolved motion sequences.

The step sequencer of the monologue has been significantly enhanced to deliver musical, complex rhythms that are easy to capture, see, and edit. It supports both real-time recording with overdubbing capability as well as step recording that lets you record simply by pressing keys in the desired order, and you can also use the 16 physical buttons for quick editing or for improvisatory performance. The motion sequence function lets you record up to four knob movements to apply time-varying change to the sound, and allows you to record not only continuously changing values as on previous models, but also values with step-wise variation. Since it's designed to let you create different sounds at each step, you can make unprecedented sequences, such as a sequence that generates a drum pattern from a single program.

There's also a key trigger function that lets you play back a sequence while you hold down a key, and even transpose it. Another new function is slide, which can be used to produce smooth bass lines by specifying portamento for each step.

Microtuning lets you freely create scales.

Music has long been restrained to equal-temperament scales, and today, very few machines support microtuning. The monologue has a set of factory tunings and well as 12 user slots and is compatible with MIDI Tuning Standard 3Byte messages.

The power of microtonal music is evident in the work of Aphex Twin, who has come onboard as advisor for the implementation and also to offer scales, sounds and sequences as part of the factory presets. All players are encouraged not just to use these Aphex Twin-created scales, but also to create their own scales and explore their own world of frequencies.

Specifications :

  • Keyboard : 25-keys (Slim-key, velocity sensitive) Sound Generation Analog synthesis Program 100 programs (80 Presets / 20 Users) Each program includes microtuning and sequence data settings
  • Main Synthesis Parameters : MASTER Drive VCO1 Wave (Saw, Triangle, Square), Shape VCO2 Octave, Wave (Saw, Triangle, Noise), Sync/Ring, Pitch, Shape MIXER VCO1, VCO2 FILTER Cutoff, Resonance EG Type (A/D, A/G/D, G), Attack, Decay, Int, Target (Pitch, Pitch 2, Cutoff) LFO Wave (Saw, Triangle, Square), Mode (Fast, Slow, 1-Shot), Rate, Int, Target (Pitch, Shape, Cutoff)
  • Sequencer : 16-step monophonic sequencer . Motion sequence can be used on up to four parameters Microtuning 32 settings (20 Preset tunings / 6 User scales / 6 User octaves). Each setting can be set the key.
  • Controls : 23 dedicated panel controls deliver immediate parameter access. A slider can control different parameters for each program
  • Display : Real-time OLED oscilloscope provides visual feedback of parameter changes
  • Connectors :
  •  Headphones (6.3mm stereo phone jack)
  • Output (6.3mm monaural phone jack)
  • Audio In (6.3mm monaural phone jack)
  • Sync In (3.5mm monaural mini jack)
  • Sync Out (3.5mm monaural mini jack)
  • MIDI In
  • MIDI Out
  • USB Type B
  • Power Supply :
  • AA alkaline battery x 6 or AA nickel-metal hydride battery x 6
  • Or AC adapter (DC 9V) (optional)
  • Battery Life Approximately : 6 hours (using alkaline batteries)
  • Approximately 8 hours (using nickel-metal hydride batteries)
  • Power Consumption : 2.5 W
  • Dimensions : (W x D x H) 350 x 276 x 76 mm / 13.78" x 10.87" x 2.99"
  • Weight : 1.7 kg / 3.78 lbs.
  • Color Variations : Silver, Black, Red, Dark Blue, Gold Included Items AA alkaline battery x 6 (for verifying operation)
  • Optional Accessories :
  • AC adapter (DC 9V)
  • Sync Cable SQ-CABLE-6
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