Original Victorian Antique Newspaper THE ILLUSTRATED LONDON NEWS Dated 1886 Burma Expedition MELTON PRIOR Sir John Campbell Hamilton Gordon BOYCOTTING IN IRELAND Johnstown Kilkenny VICTORIAN ADVERTISING Royal Court. Plus much more; see main description for detailed content and condition.

Victorian Newspaper THE ILLUSTRATED LONDON NEWS Dated 1886 Burma Expedition MELTON PRIOR Sir John Campbell Hamilton Gordon BOYCOTTING IN IRELAND Johnstown Kilkenny VICTORIAN ADVERTISING Royal Court

Original Weekly Issue

This first part of the description features a list of Images i.e. engravings, sketches, drawings etc (these sometimes have descriptive articles but not always). They include:

The Burmah Expedition - full page print from engraving showing Fight with Dacoits, 12 Jan, Near Shoay Gheen - From a Sketch - From a Sketch by Captain G. A. Keep, 2nd Scots Fusiliers.

Bracelet Presented to the Princess of Wales in Commemoration of the Opening of the Mersey Tunnel - small engraving.

The Burma Expedition Sketches by Our Special Artist Mr Melton Prior.

Burmese Families On Their Way to Mandalay to Seek British Protection from Dacoits.

Under the Command of Lieutenant Trench RN -The Steam Launch Pegu in Search of Dacoits.

On The River Sittang - An Elephant Towing the Armed Launch Patrol - Drawing by W. H. Overend From Reive a Sketch by Captain G. A.Keep 2nd Scots Fusiliers.

The Main Street in Bhamo - From a Sketch by Our Special Artist Mr Melton Prior - full page print from engraving - info. Myanmar.

The Earl of Aberdeen , Lord Lieutenant of Ireland - The Right Hon. Sir John Campbell Hamilton Gordon - near full page engraving with article.

Giving Out Soup Tickets for the Relief of the Unemployed in London - three-quarter page engraving showing a rush of people queuing in the snow to receive the tickets, a little boy stands barefooted with a jug of steaming soup - it is signed and is possibly R. P. Leitch.

Elizabeth Mouat of Shetland Islands - Who Was Blown to Norway in the Smack Columbine - an engraving produced from a photograph by Mr H. J. Haagensen of Aalesund, Norway.

Mr L. H. Courtney MP the Chairman of Committees of the House of Commons c.keenlyside.

Mr Arnold Morley MPloght.

The Country Doctor - half page print from engraving, a snow scene showing a doctor pressing on through the snow on a horse - engraved by J. Greenaway.

Pears Soap - In the above silhouette Churchill does not appear so tall as Sailsbury, nor Salisbury as tall as Gladstone...... - half page advert.

Coventry Machinists Co. Ltd Bicycle and Tricycle Manufacturers to HRH Prince of Wales The Club Tandem Convertible - small advert showing engraving of the machine.

Turners Banjos - very small engraving in advert.

Parker Umbrella - small engraving.

the Polo Cart at the Burlington Carriage Company 315-7 Oxford Street - small engraving.

Bradfords Manufacturing Company, Yorkshire - small advert for Dress Fabrics.

The Major Strolling Down to The Pier...... half page drawn by Harry Furniss and engraved by Swain.

Chess Problem by H. W. Sherrard.

Boycotting in Ireland - Sketches in Johnstown Kilkenny - - Boycoted Caretakers Conveying Provisions from T. HUrles - - Boycotted Member of the Kelkenny Hunt - - Parcel Post Bringing Provisions to Boycotted EMergency Men at Kilcooley - A full page print from engraving Sketches by a Special Artist.

Out of Work from A Drawing by A. D.M'Cormick - a full page engraving showing a man with his wife and two small children on a dark country road - engraved by G. A. Morison.

Full page of small adverts including:.

The Louis Velveteen.

The Rudge and Col Ltd Cycle Company of Coventry - The Royal Cresent Tricycle - The Bicyclette Patented 1879.

Peter Robinson Court and Mourning Gowns.

Nestle's Milk Food for Infants.

Bunters Nervine Tooth Aches Cured.

Cuticura for Baby Humors.

Peter Moller's Cod Liver Oil.

Browns Bronchial Troches - text only


Full page of small adverts including:.

G. E. Lewis Gun Maker.

Bensons gold Keyless Half Chronometer (watch).

Negretti and Zambra's Ladies Opera Glass.

Ozone Paper for Asthma, Chronic Bronchitis etc by R. Huggins of Strand, London.

Irish Cambric Pocket Handkerchiefs.

Eeckelaers Spring Rose Soap.

Schmidt's Seed Catalogue (small showing children in a pea pod).

Plus others in text only

There is a double page engraving of dogs hunting a fox by T. Blinks which is damaged beyond repair as there is a piece missing. I have left this in as it has various articles on the reverse which are not affected..


This second part of the description features items of news articles, features etc. but have no images associated with the subject matter unless listed above. They include:

Our Note Book Page - with mention of Lord Iddesleigh - Mr Disraeli - Opera at HerMajesty's Theatre - Lord Wolseley and Ireland - M. Buisson - M. Pasteur - Girls' Public Day School Company - Mrs Westlake of the London School Board - Dr Thring of Uppingham School - Mr Thomas Armstrong Kingsbridge Workhouse Devon.

The Court - Royal Comings and Goings with mention of Queen Victoria - Princess Beatrice - Major A. J. Bigge - Empress Eugenie - Mr Horace Davey - Monier Williams - Professor William Turner - Princess of Wales - Edward Terry - Lady Issesleigh - Mr J. S. Dugdale QC - M. Miel - Dr Robert A Pritchard.

Fashionable Marriages mentions Mr Allan Harvey Drummon to Lady Katherine Hervey by Lord Arthur Hervey - Sir Robert Affleck to Miss Julia Prince at South Kensington - Mr Jocelyn Home Thomson RHA Son of Archbishop of York to Miss Isabel Paget of Welton East Yorkshire.

The Eastern Telegraph Company with mention of Commander Grey and the new vessel Mirror.

The Princess of Wales and the Opening of the Mersey Tunnel with mention of Hon. Cecil Raikes MP.

The Church Column.

Ladies Column by Florence Fenwick Miller - with mention of Women questions introduced in the Houses of Legislature, on a Woman Inspector of Factories, working at the Pit Brow and factories etc - Lord Thurlow - Mr Wilson - Distribution of Prizes by Marchioness of Sailsbury at the Female School of Art.

The Burma Expedition - with mention of Captain G. A. Keef 2nd Battalion Scots Fusiliers - Mr Bernard - Earl of Dufferin.

Music Column - Her Majesty's Theatre and the Sudden Close of the Establishment wiht mention of Madame Sinico - Mdlle Oselio - Mdlle Dalti - Mlle Bojenko - Signor Vizzaani - Signor Vidal - Mr Walter Bolton.

The Silent Member with mention of Mr LAbouchere - Mr Gladstone - Mr Holmes - The Crofters Bill - Mr Ramsay - Mr Macfarlane - Henry Richard - Albert Grey.

The Relief of the Unemployed with mention of The Lord Mayor's Fund - Lord Brabazon - Mansion House Fund - General C. Fraser MP for Lambeth - Victoria Hall, Waterloo Rd, Lambeth Walk.

Mr Leonard Henry Courtney MP for Bodmin - large article.

The Cambridge University Scholarships with mention of The Pitt Scholarship and Hon. C. M. Knatchbull Hugessen - Waddington Scholarship - A. E. R. S. Conway - A. E. Brooke of Kings College - N. Wedd of Kings College - etc.

Sampson Low, Marston and Co.'s Announcements - advert.

Harpers Magazine Announcements - advert.

Elizabeth Mouat of Shetland.

Mister Arnold Morley MP for Nottingham.

The Playhouses with mention of Mrs Bernard Beere - Mr and Mrs Chippendale - George Manville Fenn - Mr Corney Grain.

The Country Doctor - to accompany the engraving.

The Heir of the Ages by James Payn - short story to be continued

Boycotting in Ireland.

Wills and Bequests includes:.

The Hon. Peter John Locke King MP, late of Brooklands, Weybridge Surrey, and of 38 Dover Street, London.

Lady Anne Legge, Late of North Holmwood Lodge near Dorking.

Mr William Francis Eyre late of 20 Avenue Des Champs Elysees, Paris.

Mrs Mary Anne Curwen olat of 42 Grosvenor Place.

Mr John Everard Barton formerly of Prescot House, Stourbridge, Carpet Manufacturer, but late of Astley Hall, Astley, Worcestershire.

Mr Richard Wheen late of Courtlands, Tunbridge Wells.

Miss Henrietta Hannah Bult late of 1 Houghton Place, Ampthill Square.

Mr Charles henry Freeman late of Kilravock, South Norwood Hill.

Out of Work - to accompany the engraving.

By the Barriers of the North Sea.

The Lady Artists' Exhibition with mention of Mis sLouisa Rayner - Kate Macaulay - Miss O'Hara - Miss E. M. Gill - etc.

Art and Archaeology.c.keenlyside.1303


The four digit number in brackets in title is for my ref only. It measures 395 x 290 mm (15.5 x 11.25). The spine is loose with binding witness marks where once bound, some pages are loose. As stated above the back double page is torn with a piece missing. There is age yellowing to the pages. The outer advertising pages and cover are missing but the main front page is intact. The images are in black and white unless otherwise stated. Some of the pages may be loose, and have minor cuts tears and blemishes due to their great age - anything more than minor will be mentioned in the main body of the description. The engravings vary in size. This item will be packaged in a tube unless otherwise requested.

PLEASE NOTE: I cannot guarantee that the issue is complete 'as published' - but what I have described above IS present. As far as I can tell there is one page missing, but if you are looking for something in particular in this issue PLEASE ASK. If you require information on size of articles (i.e. number of words), sizes of images, please ask before bidding or buying. The process of the page numbering in The Illustrasted London News issues are applied in a yearly sequence and therefore do not start at number 1. The descriptive text in my listing, details the content in my words and not necessarily what is written on the original page. "Info." in the description is my research, although relevant to the accompanying image or article, is not necessarily in the text.

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