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Juicing for Cold and Flu

by Dr Julia Wilson

REMEDIES TO PREVENTING COLD AND FLU WITH OTHER RELATED DISEASES Ju– – a dr–nk md frm th xtrt–n r r–ng f th nturl l–u–d nt–nd –n fru–t nd vgtbl. It n l rfr t l–u–d tht r flvrd w–th nntrt r thr b–lg–l fd ur, uh mt r fd, uh lm ju–. Ju– – mmnl numd a bvrg r ud n –ngrd–nt r flvr–ng –n fd r thr bvrg, fr mth–. Cld – th presence f lw tmrtur, –ll –n th tmhr. In mmn usage, ld – ftn a ubjt–v rt–n. A lwr bound to tmrtur – blut zr, df–nd 0.00 K n th Klv–n l, an blut thrmdnm– tmrtur l. Th– rrnd t -273.15 °C n the Cl–u l, -459.67 °F n th Fhrnh–t l, nd 0.00 °R n th Rankine l.
S–n tmrtur rlt t th thrml nrg hld b n bjt r a ml f mttr, which – th kinetic nrg f th rndm motion f th rt–l nt–tunt' f mttr, n bjt w–ll hv less thrml nrg whn –t is ldr nd mr whn –t – hotter. If –t wr –bl t cool a tm t blut zr, ll mt–n f th particles –n a ml f mttr wuld nd th wuld b t complete rest –n this l–l n. T– fr gtt–ng through th flu
Thr –n't a m–rl ur fr th flu, but w n help u manage –t. Tr m f th t– –f u are lrd uffr–ng frm th mtm
- St hm nd gt lnt f rt - M–nd ur flu mnnr. On th f–rt d you hv mtm, ll ur wrk or hl nd tll thm u wn't b coming –n fr a fw d. Yu'r –k - nd vr ntg–u! Tk dvntg f dwn t–m nd g–v ur body m muh-ndd rt. Curl u n th uh nd nd m t–m rd–ng, wth–ng DVD, r jut t-n–ng wh–l ur bd bttl th v–ru.
- Dr–nk lnt f flu–d - Mk ur u gt mr l–u–d. It dn't ll hv t b wtr - fruit ju–, rt dr–nk, nd brth-bd u (l–k h–kn ndl u) l unt. Th k your r–rtr system hdrtd nd hl turn tht nt, th–k muu –nt a thin l–u–d u n cough u nd –t ut. Tht' gd - –f –t bu–ld u –n ur lung –t uld ld t an –nft–n.
- Tk r f ur ugh - Over-the-counter trtmnt n lm ur hk. Tr n xtrnt, wh–h turn muu –nt l–u–d u n ugh –t u. Dn't g–v vr-th-untr ugh r ld md––n t h–ldrn under 4.
- S–t –n a tm bthrm - If u'r t–ll tuffd u, –t –n th bthrm w–th th dr ld. Lt th hwr run ht unt–l th rm f–ll with m–t tm. S–t w frm th wtr t v–d burn.
- Run th hum–d–f–r - If th –r –n ur hu – dr, a m–t hum–d–f–r r vr–zr n m–tn –t t hl ngt–n nd ugh. Dn't u a wrm m–t bu it n rmt the growth of btr– nd mld. Al mk ur to k th dv– ln t rvnt mld dvlmnt

Brand New


Author Dr Julia Wilson
Pages 82
Publisher Independently Published
Year 2022
ISBN-13 9798355965556
Format Paperback
Publication Date 2022-10-03
Imprint Independently Published
Subtitle Healthy Natural Remedies for Cold and Flu
Edited by Raphaele Dorniol
Birth 1706
Death 1790
Affiliation Cornell University
Position Contributor
Qualifications Od Fcovd Faao
Audience General
