"Listening to the Sheepdogs is Like stepping back into the 70s , I can almost feel the slap of rain soaked loons on my shins as my mind travels back to a time when music meant something to everyone of a certain age.
This album fuses many styles into a heady mix of nostalgia and musical hallucination. the Allman brothers bumping into Santana, Lynyrd Skynyrd and even Thin Lizzy (The begining of' Kiss the Brass ring') in a hazy back street bar. This is a schizophrenic Juke-Box of dreams. Some songs are so short you feel like you just came back from a drunken break to the gents and missed half of a great song. prepare for your friends to ask ' Hey this is great who are they?' And you can look smug and say 'So you haven't heard of the sheepdogs?' Something tells me they will hear about them in the future!"

Amazon review

The CD is in very good condition, just taken out of its shrinkwrap - see the cover sticker in the last photo