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Oxford Guide to Low Intensity CBT Interventions

by James Bennett-Levy, David Richards, Paul Farrand, Helen Christensen, Kathy Griffiths, David Kavanagh, Britt Klein, Mark A. Lau, Judy Proudfoot, Lee Ritterband

Mental disorders such as depression and anxiety are increasingly common. Yet there are too few specialists to offer help to everyone, and negative attitudes to psychological problems and their treatment discourage people from seeking it. As a result, many people never receive help for these problems.

Brand New

Publisher Description

Mental disorders such as depression and anxiety are increasingly common. Yet there are too few specialists to offer help to everyone, and negative attitudes to psychological problems and their treatment discourage people from seeking it. As a result, many people never receive help for these problems. The Oxford Guide to Low Intensity CBT Interventions marks a turning point in the delivery of psychological treatments for people with depression and anxiety. Until recently, the only form of psychological intervention available for patients with depression and anxiety was traditional one-to-one 60 minute session therapy - usually with private practitioners for those patients who could afford it. Now Low Intensity CBT Interventions are starting to revolutionize mental health care by providing cost effective psychological therapies which can reach the vast numbers of people with depression and anxiety who did not previously have access to effective psychological treatment. The Oxford Guide to Low Intensity CBT Interventions is the first book to provide a comprehensive guide to Low Intensity CBT interventions. It brings together researchers and clinicians from around the world who have led the way in developing evidence-based low intensity CBT treatments. It charts the plethora of new ways that evidence-based low intensity CBT can be delivered: for instance, guided self-help, groups, advice clinics, brief GP interventions, internet-based or book-based treatment and prevention programs, with supported provided by phone, email, internet, sms or face-to-face. These new treatments require new forms of service delivery, new ways of communicating, new forms of training and supervision, and the development of new workforces. They involve changing systems and routine practice, and adapting interventions to particular community contexts. The Oxford Guide to Low Intensity CBT Interventions is a state-of-the-art handbook, providing low intensity practitioners, supervisors, managers commissioners of services and politicians with a practical, easy-to-read guide - indispensable reading for those who wish to understand and anticipate future directions in health service provision and to broaden access to cost-effective evidence-based psychological therapies.

Author Biography

James Bennett-Levy is Associate Professor in Mental Health at Sydney University's Department of Rural Health (Northern Rivers) in northern New South Wales, Australia. As soon as he was appointed to the position, he saw the potential of low intensity CBT interventions for rural and remote communities, where access to evidence-based psychological therapies tends to be very poor. Recognising the absence of a useful low intensity CBT textbook to guide practitioners and decision makers, he initiated and co-ordinated the Oxford Guide to Low Intensity CBT Interventions. In his research work, he is one of the world's leading leading researchers on CBT training with a series of empirical and theoretical papers.David Kavanagh holds a Research Chair in the Institute of Health & Biomedical Innovation and School of Psychology & Counselling at Queensland University of Technology in Brisbane. Much of his research has been on brief or low-intensity interventions, and improvement of mental health service delivery via training and supervision. His research has included evaluations of remotely delivered treatment by mail, and more recently using the internet and text messaging. Professor Kavanagh has an extensive record of research funding and publications, and his work is widely cited. He is currently on the Academy of the National Health and Medical Research Council, and the Science, Academia and Research Advisory Group of the Australian Psychological Society. He is co-chair of the Queensland Health Collaborative on Alcohol and Other Drugs and Mental Health, and serves on state and Commonwealth consultative committees on services for mental disorders and substance misuse.Mark Lau is a Research Scientist and Director, BC Cognitive Behaviour Therapy Network with BC Mental Health and Addiction Services, an agency of the Provincial Health Services Authority where he is co-ordinating a series of projects to disseminate CBT across the province of BC.  He is also a Clinical Associate Professor of Psychiatry at UBC and a Founding Fellow of the Academy of Cognitive Therapy.  Dr. Lau's research interests include evaluating effective methods of CBT dissemination, investigating the mechanisms underlying the efficacy of Mindfulness-based Cognitive Therapy (MBCT), and the further development and validation of the Toronto Mindfulness Scale.  In addition, Dr. Lau has led workshops in Cognitive Behaviour Therapy and MBCT across Canada, in the United States, United Kingdom and Australia.David A Richards is Professor of Mental Health Services Research at Exeter University's Mood Disorders Centre in the UK. Throughout his career, he has tirelessly campaigned to improve access to evidence-based therapies such as CBT. He has been involved in the UK's Improving Access to Psychological Therapies (IAPT) programme from its inception in 2005 and developed the low-intensity CBT methods used by IAPT on behalf of the UK Department of Health. As such he can be credited with personally establishing a completely new profession of low-intensity CBT workers in the UK, now known as Psychological Wellbeing Practitioners. In his spare time he runs a multi-centre research team funded by the Medical Research Council and the National Institute for Health Research which develops and tests new models of delivering treatment in clinical trials - including stepped care, guided self-help and collaborative care.Lee Ritterband is an Associate Professor at the University of Virginia Health System Department of Psychiatry and Neurobehavioral Sciences and Director of the Behavioral Health and Technology program area.  With degrees in clinical psychology and computer science/technology, Dr. Ritterband specializes in the development and testing of behaviorally-based treatment programs delivered via the Web.  Over the past decade, Dr. Ritterband has established himself as one of the leading researchers in Internet health interventions. He has been a Principal or Co-Investigator on many large research projects funded by the National Institutes of Health.  In 2003, Dr. Ritterband was honored with the award, Best eHealth Research Paper of the Year, sponsored by the Health e-Technologies Initiative, National Program Office of the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation for eHealth.Chris Williams is Professor of Psychosocial Psychiatry at the University of Glasgow, UK. He became interested in low intensity working in the mid-1990's when he completed a postgraduate CBT course, but found he struggled to offer one hour CBT appointments in his everyday work. He sees low intensity working as bringing together two themes he is particularly interested in - CBT and education/teaching - and views CBT as a self-help form of psychotherapy. He researches CBT self-help in psychiatric and community settings and has developed a range of book-based, DVD, class-based and computer-delivered self-help resources including the free access website which receives around 2 million hits a month. His work developing the five areas model of CBT is focused on making CBT accessible to practitioners and the general public alike. Together his CBT self-help books are amongst the most used in the UK. He is Patron of the charities Anxiety UK and Triumph over Phobia.Jim White is a consultant clinical psychologist and currently leads the STEPS primary care mental health team in south-east Glasgow. He has mainly worked in primary care settings and has a reputation for innovation in his approach to common mental health problems. In particular, he is interested in getting to much larger numbers of people a lot sooner, empowering them to make real choices about how they want to tackle their problems and to work with them in ensuring they are able to act on their choices. The STEPS approach is possibly one of the most radical approaches in primary care mental health in Britain. This is a Scottish Executive Exemplar Project. STEPS offers a 6 level stepped-care approach: individual therapy, group work, single contacts, non-face-to-face interventions, working with others, and awareness raising/ community involvement/ early intervention and prevention.Britt Klein is the Co-Director of the National eTherapy Centre; the Co-Director of the Swin-PsyCHE e-Therapy Unit; and an Associate Professor in the Faculty of Life and Social Sciences at Swinburne University, Melbourne, Australia. Since 1998 she has been developing and evaluating internet-based mental and physical health interventions as a means to increase access to health services by utilising low intensity CBT intervention modalities. Her biggest achievement to date is the co-creation of Anxiety Online : a full service education and training, online psychological assessment and treatment clinic for the anxiety disorders open to the general public. She has been awarded numerous grants to develop and evaluate internet-based wellbeing, prevention and treatment programs, has published widely, teaches and supervises students in the field of internet interventions and she is the Co-Editor of the e-Journal of Applied Psychology.

Table of Contents

Isaac Marks: ForewordSection 1 Low Intensity CBT Models and Conceptual Underpinnings James Bennett-Levy & Paul Farrand: Overview1: James Bennett-Levy, Dave Richards & Paul Farrand: Low Intensity CBT Interventions: A Revolution in Mental Health Services2: Dave Richards: Access and Organisation: Putting Low Intensity Interventions to Work in Clinical Services3: Jim White: The STEPS Model: a High Volume, Multi-level, Multi-purpose approach to address Common Mental Health Problems4: Helen Christensen: Increasing Access and Effectiveness: Using the Internet to deliver Low Intensity Cognitive Behaviour Therapy5: Chris Williams & Jill Morrison : A New Language for CBT: New ways of Working Require New Thinking as well as New WordsSection 2A: Introducing and Supporting Guided CBT Paul Farrand, Lee Ritterband & James Bennett-Levy: Overview6: Paul Farrand & Chris Williams: Low Intensity CBT Assessment: In Person or by Phone7: Judy Proudfoot & Jennifer Nicholas: Monitoring & Evaluation in Low Intensity CBT Interventions8: Mark Kenwright: Introducing and Supporting Written and Internet-Based Guided CBT9: Rebecca Martinez & Chris Williams: Matching clients to CBT self-help resources10: Dave Richards: Collaborative Care: The Effective Organization of Treatment for Depression11: Dave Richards : Supervising low intensity workersSection 2B Key Low Intensity CBT Interventions in Depression and Anxiety Mark Lau: Overview12: Dave Richards: Behavioural Activation for Depression13: Laurence Mynors-Wallis & Mark Lau: Problem Solving Therapy for Depression14: Adrian Taylor: Increasing Physical activity as a Low Intensity Treatment for Depression15: Nick Titov, Gavin Andrews & Peter McEvoy: Key Components of Low Intensity Interventions for Anxiety16: Leanne Hides, Steve Carroll, Dan I Lubman & Amanda Baker: Brief Motivational Interviewing for Depression and Anxiety17: Norah Vincent & Maxine Holmqvist : Low Intensity Interventions for Chronic InsomniaSection 2C: Guided CBT Interventions using Written MaterialsChris Williams, Paul Farrand & James Bennett-Levy : Overview18: Dave Richards & Paul Farrand: Choosing self-help books wisely: Sorting the wheat from the chaff19: Paul Farrand & Joanne Woodford: Using Guided Self-Help Book Prescription Schemes20: Marie Chellingsworth, Chris Williams, Ann McCreath, Paul Tanto & Kirsten Thomlinson : Delivering book based CBT Self-Help Classes in health service, further education and voluntary sector servicesSection 2D: Guided CBT Interventions using the Internet Judy Proudfoot & Britt Klein: Overview21: Kate Cavanagh: Turn On, Tune In and (Don't) Drop Out: Engagement, Adherence, Attrition and Alliance with Internet-based CBT Interventions22: Lee Ritterband, Frances Thorndike, Drew Saylor & Desi Vásquez: Treatment Credibility and Satisfaction with Internet Interventions23: Tara Donker, Annemieke Van Straten & Pim Cuijpers: Internet-based Mental Health Screening24: Lisa Whitehead & Judy Proudfoot: Standards and Operating Guidelines for Internet Interventions25: Proudfoot, Andersson, Carlbring, Klein, Kyrios, Lauder, Munro, Palermo, Riper, Blankers : Guided CBT Internet Interventions: Specific Issues in Supporting Clients with Depression, Anxiety and Co-Morbid ConditionsSection 2E Novel Uses of Communication Technologies: Supporting Low Intensity CBT in New Environments Judy Proudfoot & Britt Klein: Overview26: Gerhard Andersson & Per Carlbring: Using different communication channels to support internet interventions27: Karina Lovell: Supporting Low Intensity Interventions using the Telephone28: Jennifer Shapiro & Stephanie Bauer: Use of Short-Messaging Service (SMS) To Enhance Low Intensity CBT29: Nick Titov: Email in Low Intensity CBT Interventions30: Kathy Griffiths & Julia Reynolds: Online Mutual Support Bulletin Boards31: David Kavanagh, Jennifer Connolly, Amy Kelly, Angela White & Jan Parry : Low Intensity Cognitive Behavioural Therapies by Mail (M-CBT)Section 2F Stepping Further Outside the Box: Extending the Environments for Low Intensity CBT Mark Lau: Overview32: Jim White: Large group didactic CBT classes for common mental health problems33: Ingrid Sochting, Christopher Wilson & Theo DeGagne: Cognitive Behaviour Group Therapy (CBGT): Capitalizing on efficiency and humanity34: Tim Carey: Will you follow while they lead? Introducing a patient-led approach to low intensity CBT interventions35: Jim White: The Advice Clinic or What I did in my thirty minutes36: Lee David: Low intensity CBT Interventions by General Practitioners37: Frank Deane & David Kavanagh : Adapting low intensity CBT for clients with severe mental disorderSection 2G: Going Upstream: Using Low Intensity CBT Interventions to Prevent Mental Health Problems Kathy Griffiths: Overview38: Pim Cuijpers: Group CBT for prevention of depression in adults39: Tahlee Marian & Justin Kenardy: Internet-delivered prevention for anxiety and depression disorders in adults40: Greg Clarke: Low intensity targeted group prevention of depression in adolescents and children41: Alison Calear, Helen Christensen, Kathy Griffiths: Internet-based anxiety and depression prevention programs for children and adolescents42: Matthew Sanders and James Kirby: Parental programs for preventing behavioural and emotional problems in children43: Mark Lau : Mindfulness-based cognitive therapy: a low intensity group program to prevent depressive relapseSection 3 Training Low Intensity CBT Practitioners James Bennett-Levy & Dave Richards: Overview44: Dave Richards: Training low intensity workers45: Dave Ekers: Training Depression Care Managers46: Sharon Lawn, Ann Smith, Kelly Hunter, Jim Smith, Nicki Hurst, Michael Nanai, & Kylie Neate: Training Peers to Provide Low Intensity CBT Support: The Value of Personal Experience47: Chris Williams, Catriona Kent & Anne Joice: Training the Wider Workforce in the Use of Cognitive Behaviour Therapy Written Self-help Resources48: Dan Bilsker & Elliot Goldner: Training GPs to prescribe depression self-management49: David Austin, Britt Klein, Kerrie Shandley & Lisa Ciechomski: Training Clinicians Online to be Etherapists: The 'Anxiety Online' model50: Jillian Telford & Rea Wilson : From Classroom to 'Shop Floor': Challenges Faced As A Low Intensity PractitionerSection 4A: Facilitating the Uptake of Low Intensity CBT Interventions: Changing Systems and Routine Practice David Kavanagh & James Bennett-Levy: Overview51: James Seward, Michael Clark: Establishing the Improved Access to Psychological Therapies (IAPT) Program: Lessons from large-scale change in England52: Alex McMahon: Implementing Low Intensity Interventions: What Governments want and why53: Gehard Andersson, Per Carlbring, Viktor Kaldo, Pim Cuijpers: Challenges and Potential Solutions in Integrating Internet-based CBT Interventions into Specialist Services54: Matthew Sanders & Majella Murphy Brennan: Achieving widespread dissemination of low intensity evidence-based practices: The experience of the Triple P-Positive Parenting Program55: Michael Smith: Practical Service Redesign: Helping GPs to Enhance Depression Care56: David Kavanagh & Frank Deane: Implementing low-intensity CBT (LI CBT) in case management of clients with severe mental illness57: Kevin Khayat : Effective Partnerships with Community GroupsSection 4B: Facilitating the Uptake of Low Intensity CBT Interventions: Adapting Interventions to Different Community Contexts David Kavanagh & James Bennett-Levy: Overview58: Jim White: Bringing the public on board: Health promotion and social marketing in deprived communities59: Nicole Highet, Clare Shann & Leonie Young: Enhancing Community Awareness of Depression and Access to Treatment: Experiences with beyondblue60: Mark Lau: Problems and Potentials in Rolling out Low Intensity CBT in Rural Communities61: Judy Leibowitz: Improving Access to Low intensity Interventions for Ethnic Minority Communities62: Arlene Laliberte, Tricia Nagel, & Melissa Haswell-Elkins: Low intensity CBT with Indigenous consumers: Creative solutions for culturally appropriate mental health care


This excellent book addresses an important new topic in a comprehensive manner...This is must reading for CBT practitioners. * Doody's Notes *


The first ever comprehensive guide to Low Intensity CBT.

Long Description

Mental disorders such as depression and anxiety are increasingly common. Yet there are too few specialists to offer help to everyone, and negative attitudes to psychological problems and their treatment discourage people from seeking it. As a result, many people never receive help for these problems. The Oxford Guide to Low Intensity CBT Interventions marks a turning point in the delivery of psychological treatments for people with depression and anxiety. Until recently, the only form of psychological intervention available for patients with depression and anxiety was traditional one-to-one 60 minute session therapy - usually with private practitioners for those patients who could afford it. Now Low Intensity CBT Interventions are starting to revolutionize mental health care by providing cost effective psychological therapies which can reach the vast numbers of people with depression and anxiety who did not previously have access to effective psychological treatment. The Oxford Guide to Low Intensity CBT Interventions is the first book to provide a comprehensive guide to Low Intensity CBT interventions. It brings together researchers and clinicians from around the world who have led the way in developing evidence-based low intensity CBT treatments. It charts the plethora of new ways that evidence-based low intensity CBT can be delivered: for instance, guided self-help, groups, advice clinics, brief GP interventions, internet-based or book-based treatment and prevention programs, with supported provided by phone, email, internet, sms or face-to-face. These new treatments require new forms of service delivery, new ways of communicating, new forms of training and supervision, and the development of new workforces. They involve changing systems and routine practice, and adapting interventions to particular community contexts. The Oxford Guide to Low Intensity CBT Interventions is a state-of-the-art handbook, providing low intensity practitioners, supervisors, managers commissioners of services and politicians with a practical, easy-to-read guide - indispensible reading for those who wish to understand and anticipate future directions in health service provision and to broaden access to cost-effective evidence-based psychological therapies.

Review Quote

This excellent book addresses an important new topic in a comprehensive manner...This is must reading for CBT practitioners.


Low intensity CBT is a rapidly growing form of therapy, enabling people who have hitherto had no access to mental health services to benefit from evidence based treatments. This is the first book ever to address this need
Edited and written by the people working at the frontiers of low intensity interventions
With thousands of new therapists being trained over the coming years to deliver low intensity CBT, this will be the essential guide to this area

New Feature

Foreword, Isaac Marks Section 1 Low Intensity CBT Models and Conceptual Underpinnings Overview, James Bennett-Levy & Paul Farrand 1. Low Intensity CBT Interventions: A Revolution in Mental Health Services, 1. James Bennett-Levy, Dave Richards & Paul Farrand 2. Access and Organisation: Putting Low Intensity Interventions to Work in Clinical Services, Dave Richards 3. The STEPS Model: a High Volume, Multi-level, Multi-purpose approach to address Common Mental Health Problems, Jim White 4. Increasing Access and Effectiveness: Using the Internet to deliver Low Intensity Cognitive Behaviour Therapy, Helen Christensen 5. A New Language for CBT: New ways of Working Require New Thinking as well as New Words, Chris Williams & Jill Morrison Section 2A: Introducing and Supporting Guided CBT Overview, Paul Farrand, Lee Ritterband & James Bennett-Levy 6. Low Intensity CBT Assessment: In Person or by Phone, Paul Farrand & Chris Williams 7. Monitoring & Evaluation in Low Intensity CBT Interventions, Judy Proudfoot & Jennifer Nicholas 8. Introducing and Supporting Written and Internet-Based Guided CBT, Mark Kenwright 9. Matching clients to CBT self-help resources, Rebecca Martinez & Chris Williams 10. Collaborative Care: The Effective Organization of Treatment for Depression, Dave Richards 11. Supervising low intensity workers, Dave Richards Section 2B Key Low Intensity CBT Interventions in Depression and Anxiety Overview, Mark Lau 12. Behavioural Activation for Depression, Dave Richards 13. Problem Solving Therapy for Depression, Laurence Mynors-Wallis & Mark Lau 14. Increasing Physical activity as a Low Intensity Treatment for Depression, Adrian Taylor 15. Key Components of Low Intensity Interventions for Anxiety, Nick Titov, Gavin Andrews & Peter McEvoy 16. Brief Motivational Interviewing for Depression and Anxiety, Leanne Hides, Steve Carroll, Dan I Lubman & Amanda Baker 17. Low Intensity Interventions for Chronic Insomnia, Norah Vincent & Maxine Holmqvist Section 2C: Guided CBT Interventions using Written Materials Overview, Chris Williams, Paul Farrand & James Bennett-Levy 18. Choosing self-help books wisely: Sorting the wheat from the chaff, Dave Richards & Paul Farrand 19. Using Guided Self-Help Book Prescription Schemes, Paul Farrand & Joanne Woodford 20. Delivering book based CBT Self-Help Classes in health service, further education and voluntary sector services, Marie Chellingsworth, Chris Williams, Ann McCreath, Paul Tanto & Kirsten Thomlinson Section 2D: Guided CBT Interventions using the Internet Overview, Judy Proudfoot & Britt Klein 21. Turn On, Tune In and (Don''t) Drop Out: Engagement, Adherence, Attrition and Alliance with Internet-based CBT Interventions, Kate Cavanagh 22. Treatment Credibility and Satisfaction with Internet Interventions, Lee Ritterband, Frances Thorndike, Drew Saylor & Desi Vasquez 23. Internet-based Mental Health Screening, Tara Donker, Annemieke Van Straten & Pim Cuijpers 24. Standards and Operating Guidelines for Internet Interventions, Lisa Whitehead & Judy Proudfoot 25. Guided CBT Internet Interventions: Specific Issues in Supporting Clients with Depression, Anxiety and Co-Morbid Conditions, Proudfoot, Andersson, Carlbring, Klein, Kyrios, Lauder, Munro, Palermo, Riper, Blankers Section 2E Novel Uses of Communication Technologies: Supporting Low Intensity CBT in New Environments Overview, Judy Proudfoot & Britt Klein 26. Using different communication channels to support internet interventions, Gerhard Andersson & Per Carlbring 27. Supporting Low Intensity Interventions using the Telephone, Karina Lovell 28. Use of Short-Messaging Service (SMS) To Enhance Low Intensity CBT, Jennifer Shapiro & Stephanie Bauer 29. Email in Low Intensity CBT Interventions, Nick Titov 30. Online Mutual Support Bulletin Boards, Kathy Griffiths & Julia Reynolds 31. Low Intensity Cognitive Behavioural Therapies by Mail (M-CBT), David Kavanagh, Jennifer Connolly, Amy Kelly, Angela White & Jan Parry Section 2F Stepping Further Outside the Box: Extending the Environments for Low Intensity CBT Overview, Mark Lau 32. Large group didactic CBT classes for common mental health problems, Jim White 33. Cognitive Behaviour Group Therapy (CBGT): Capitalizing on efficiency and humanity, Ingrid Sochting, Christopher Wilson & Theo DeGagne 34. Will you follow while they lead? Introducing a patient-led approach to low intensity CBT interventions, Tim Carey 35. The Advice Clinic or What I did in my thirty minutes, Jim White 36. Low intensity CBT Interventions by General Practitioners, Lee David 37. Adapting low intensity CBT for clients with severe mental disorder, Frank Deane & David Kavanagh Section 2G: Going Upstream: Using Low Intensity CBT Interventions to Prevent Mental Health Problems Overview, Kathy Griffiths 38. Group CBT for prevention of depression in adults, Pim Cuijpers 39. Internet-delivered prevention for anxiety and depression disorders in adults, Tahlee Marian & Justin Kenardy 40. Low intensity targeted group prevention of depression in adolescents and children, Greg Clarke 41. Internet-based anxiety and depression prevention programs for children and adolescents, Alison Calear, Helen Christensen, Kathy Griffiths 42. Parental programs for preventing behavioural and emotional problems in children, Matthew Sanders and James Kirby 43. Mindfulness-based cognitive therapy: a low intensity group program to prevent depressive relapse, Mark Lau Section 3 Training Low Intensity CBT Practitioners Overview, James Bennett-Levy & Dave Richards 44. Training low intensity workers, Dave Richards 45. Training Depression Care Managers, Dave Ekers 46. Training Peers to Provide Low Intensity CBT Support: The Value of Personal Experience, Sharon Lawn, Ann Smith, Kelly Hunter, Jim Smith, Nicki Hurst, Michael Nanai, & Kylie Neate 47. Training the Wider Workforce in the Use of Cognitive Behaviour Therapy Written Self-help Resources, Chris Williams, Catriona Kent & Anne Joice 48. Training GPs to prescribe depression self-management, Dan Bilsker & Elliot Goldner 49. Training Clinicians Online to be Etherapists: The ''Anxiety Online'' model, David Austin, Britt Klein, Kerrie Shandley & Lisa Ciechomski 50. From Classroom to ''Shop Floor'': Challenges Faced As A Low Intensity Practitioner, Jillian Telford & Rea Wilson Section 4A: Facilitating the Uptake of Low Intensity CBT Interventions: Changing Systems and Routine Practice Overview, David Kavanagh & James Bennett-Levy 51. Establishing the Improved Access to Psychological Therapies (IAPT) Program: Lessons from large-scale change in England, James Seward, Michael Clark 52. Implementing Low Intensity Interventions: What Governments want and why, Alex McMahon 53. Challenges and Potential Solutions in Integrating Internet-based CBT Interventions into Specialist Services, Gehard Andersson, Per Carlbring, Viktor Kaldo, Pim Cuijpers 54. Achieving widespread dissemination of low intensity evidence-based practices: The experience of the Triple P-Positive Parenting Program, Matthew Sanders & Majella Murphy Brennan 55. Practical Service Redesign: Helping GPs to Enhance Depression Care, Michael Smith 56. Implementing low-intensity CBT (LI CBT) in case management of clients with severe mental illness, David Kavanagh & Frank Deane 57. Effective Partnerships with Community Groups, Kevin Khayat Section 4B: Facilitating the Uptake of Low Intensity CBT Interventions: Adapting Interventions to Different Community Contexts Overview, David Kavanagh & James Bennett-Levy 58. Bringing the public on board: Health promotion and social marketing in deprived communities, Jim White 59. Enhancing Community Awareness of Depression and Access to Treatment: Experiences with beyondblue, Nicole Highet, Clare Shann & Leonie Young 60. Problems and Potentials in Rolling out Low Intensity CBT in Rural Communities, Mark Lau 61. Improving Access to Low intensity Interventions for Ethnic Minority Communities, Judy Leibowitz 62. Low intensity CBT with Indigenous consumers: Creative solutions for culturally appropriate mental health care, Arlene Laliberte, Tricia Nagel, & Melissa Haswell-Elkins


Publisher Oxford University Press
Year 2010
ISBN-10 0199590117
ISBN-13 9780199590117
Format Paperback
Imprint Oxford University Press
Place of Publication Oxford
Country of Publication United Kingdom
Edited by Lee Ritterband
Publication Date 2010-05-13
Series Oxford Guides to Cognitive Behavioural Therapy
Illustrations Illustrations, map
Author Lee Ritterband
Media Book
Pages 632
DEWEY 616.8914
Language English
UK Release Date 2010-05-13
NZ Release Date 2010-05-13
Audience Professional & Vocational
AU Release Date 2010-05-30
