Panasonic Eneloop/PRO | 4 x AA/AAA - 1 x Smart & Quick Chargers | 800-2500 mAh

This bundle includes a set of 4 Panasonic Eneloop/PRO rechargeable batteries with a capacity of 800-2500 mAh, accompanied by a smart and quick charger. The batteries are perfect for powering up various devices, ranging from household appliances to sound and vision equipment. The charger is capable of charging both AA and AAA batteries, and it comes with indicator lights to show the charging progress. The NiMH chemical composition of the batteries ensures longer-lasting power and a lower environmental impact, as they can be recharged many times over. This bundle is a great investment for those looking for a cost-effective and eco-friendly way to power up their devices without the hassle of constantly buying and disposing of single-use batteries.