Making a forced materialisation on Chloris, the Doctor, Romana and K9 become embroiled in the political machinations of its ruler, the Lady Adrasta. The lush vegetation of the planet's surface hides a ragtag group of bandits, a giant eggshell, man-eating Wolfweeds and, within the depths of an old mining pit, something very large has a terrible secret which threatens the destruction of Chloris itself...

Special Features
• Commentary by Lalla Ward (Romana), Myra Frances (Lady Adrasta), Director Christopher Barry and Visual Effects Designer Mat Irvine
• Christopher Barry: Director Veteran Doctor Who director Christopher Barry, on location in the Wiltshire village of Aldbourne, talks about his career
• Team Erato The BBC Visual Effects crew talk about the problems they faced building and operating Erato, with Mat Irvine, Steve Bowman, Steve Lucas and Morag McLean
• Animal Magic The Fourth Doctor tells viewers about the creatures he has met on his travels
• Radio Times Billings (PDF DVD-ROM – PC/Mac)
• Production Information Subtitles
• Photo Gallery
• Extended Scene
• Coming Soon Trailer
• Digitally remastered picture and sound quality

This story was originally broadcast on BBC1 between 27th October – 17th November 1979
Produced by Graham Williams
Directed by Christopher Barry


Starring  Tom Baker as the 4th Doctor.

DVD is in very good but used condition.