“Final Fantasy: Crystal Chronicles” is an action RPG in classic Final Fantasy style with turn-based combat interspersed with exploration and story. Set in the universe of Final Fantasy, gamers can explore the world, fight monsters, and trade with and perform quests for the residents of various towns. The goal of the game is to protect the towns from a deadly encroaching poison known as the "miasma" by helping each town restore a crystal that creates a barrier that the feared poison cannot penetrate. Throughout the course of the game, players will learn about the story of this world, the legend of how the miasma came into being, and attempt to be rid of it once and for all.The core of “Final Fantasy: Crystal Chronicles” is the overworld map, which enables gamers to choose how they progress through the game and what quests, tasks, and challenges they will approach next in the game. Players familiar with earlier Final Fantasy releases will readily dive into the turn-based combat, which includes classic moves and strategies as well as new ones. Much of the new strategy revolves around the combination of spells with each spell building off the power of previous ones to enable gamers to buff themselves higher or hit their enemies harder. Classic races reappear, including the Clavat, Liltie, Selkie, Yukie, and Moogle. Each race has its own skills, advantages, and unique abilities.The biggest new feature of Crystal Chronicles is the multiplayer aspect. Gamers can now work together to defeat enemies and clear dungeons, taking advantage of the four controller ports on the Nintendo GameCube. This makes the game unique within the series since players control their own characters during their turn. It is also possible to use the Game Boy Advance adapter to play the game with additional controls and information. This is particularly helpful in multiplayer mode since it allows the primary player's friends to help him or her with new info and potential strategies.Gamers will encounter many characters over the course of the game, and up to nine different ones can join the party over the process of the adventure. Each one is unique to Crystal Chronicles and has a unique effect on the gameplay. The mix of the active party changes, encouraging gamers to develop different strategies to handle different skill sets and find what works best for them. Like in most role-playing games, the characters level up over time, gaining new skills and abilities for battle.Crystal Chronicles is a popular action RPG game on this Nintendo system. With its unique elements, most notably the ability to bring in other players using the Gameboy Advance adapter, it offers multiple gamers an ideal setting for long sessions played together.