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When The Smoke Clears A World Where Wolves Eat Your Inner Savage!! by Washington 9781387406043 (Paperback, 2022)


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Product details

Language of text:
9781387406043, 978-1387406043
Publication date:
Product dimensions:
216mm (w) x 279mm (h) x 4mm (d)


"WHEN THE SMOKE CLEARS" Bianca Richards 24-year-old lost girl with a 10-year-old son name Drez which she never had custody of since his birth if it wasn't for her mom Dafney who took custody of Drez due to Bianca only being 14 years old when she gave birth to Drez. Many in Bianca neighborhood considered her to be a fast girl who loved hanging out with men twice her age drinking smoking and often staying away from home days at a time this behavior caused many late-night arguments between her and mom to much drama for Drez to hear and see which caused Dafney to kick Bianca out of her home. Bianca would then go from one friend house to the next sleeping couch to couch doing whatever she had to do to survive until her chance encounter with pretty boy known Stick Up Man/ Con Artist named Gunnar Percy known around town as Gunnar. His dad died in prison his moms was a drug addict no one was ever home his three siblings were taken into foster care far away he would never see them again this caused Percy to have guilt. Social service knew nothing of Percy cause he had run away from home he would later return. Percy learn to survive in the streets quick fast and in a hurry since the age of 11 Percy was doing what he had to do which was robbing steal and selling dope for a respected dealer in the city just for a hot plate of food and a place to rest his head. Yeah, he is ruthless the last name Gunnar fit him well because he would gun you down and what was once yours became his. He would later meet Bianca fresh meat or chance encounter they would fall in love and become this modern-day Bonnie n Clyde.

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When The Smoke Clears A World Where Wolves Eat Your Inner Savage!! by Washington 9781387406043 (Paperback, 2022)

UK delivery is usually within 10 to 12 working days.
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Product details
Language of text:English
Isbn-13:9781387406043, 978-1387406043
Publication date:2022-12-15
Product dimensions:216mm (w) x 279mm (h) x 4mm (d)

"WHEN THE SMOKE CLEARS" Bianca Richards 24-year-old lost girl with a 10-year-old son name Drez which she never had custody of since his birth if it wasn't for her mom Dafney who took custody of Drez due to Bianca only being 14 years old when she gave birth to Drez. Many in Bianca neighborhood considered her to be a fast girl who loved hanging out with men twice her age drinking smoking and often staying away from home days at a time this behavior caused many late-night arguments between her and mom to much drama for Drez to hear and see which caused Dafney to kick Bianca out of her home. Bianca would then go from one friend house to the next sleeping couch to couch doing whatever she had to do to survive until her chance encounter with pretty boy known Stick Up Man/ Con Artist named Gunnar Percy known around town as Gunnar. His dad died in prison his moms was a drug addict no one was ever home his three siblings were taken into foster care far away he would never see them again this caused Percy to have guilt. Social service knew nothing of Percy cause he had run away from home he would later return. Percy learn to survive in the streets quick fast and in a hurry since the age of 11 Percy was doing what he had to do which was robbing steal and selling dope for a respected dealer in the city just for a hot plate of food and a place to rest his head. Yeah, he is ruthless the last name Gunnar fit him well because he would gun you down and what was once yours became his. He would later meet Bianca fresh meat or chance encounter they would fall in love and become this modern-day Bonnie n Clyde.
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Wordery is one of the UK's largest online booksellers. With millions of satisfied customers who enjoy low prices on a huge range of books, we offer a reliable and trusted service and consistently receive excellent feedback.We offer a huge range of over 8 million books; bestsellers, children's books, cheap paperbacks, baby books, special edition hardbacks, and textbooks. All our books are dispatched from the UK. Wordery offers Free Delivery on all UK orders, and competitively priced international delivery.#HappyReading