Pleasantly strong. Savor the robust flavor of this full-bodied yet surprisingly smooth coffee. Deliciously dark and aromatic with hints of almonds and dark chocolate finished with a delicious crema layer. This coffee maintains its character so it is great to wake up to as well as a needed boost throughout the day.
New from Douwe Egberts and Philips. -a completely new way to enjoy coffee. Now enjoy the perfect cup of coffee: full of taste, smooth, and with a delicious frothy coffee layer on top. pods allow you to brew your preferred strength with a variety of roasts: mild roast, dark roast, and decaffeinated.
* For the coffee pods, Douwe Egberts selects the finest blend of coffee beans to brew the perfect cup.
* With perfect balance, this exceptional coffee makes an ideal choice for any time, any occasion.
* Special packaging guarantees maximum freshness.
* pods allow you to brew your preferred strength with a variety of roasts: mild roast, dark roast, and decaffeinated.