Lloyd, Herbert Vaudeville Trails. Thru The West

HARD BACK BROWN. Condition: Good minus, but Very hard to find.... This book is packed with ads for hotels, restaurants, and possible gigs throughout the US, Canada for Vaudevillian performers traveling through country. Ads for actors and comedians. A great compilation of people in the entertainment business on stage and back of house. DATE PUBLISHED: 1919

Excerpt from Vaudeville Trails Thru the West

"Exclusive of the considerable amount of money it has cost to produce this book it has also entailed a very great amount of work to obtain and arrange the information contained herein, but it has been a labor of good fellowship and a pleasure; feeling positive, as he does, that the work is appreciated and accepted in a fraternal spirit and that it is the means of assisting artists who play the several circuits that this book covers. It is the undersign's good intention to produce shortly, other guide books that will cover all the other prominent vaudeville circuits in the other parts of the United States.

Kindly understand that we make no attempt to run any of the circuits nor to expose any trade secrets but simply to present a clean, open and above board book of information that will be a help and a guide to other performers and of no small benefit to the managers themselves."