This listing is for an extrememly rare version of The Keys to the Kingdom,  the book with matching playing cards.    

Beautiful and Neat set. 

Thanks for Looking! 👀

This is a trivia game that comes with a set of transformation playing cards based on traditional nursery rhymes designed by Tony Meeuwissen.

from the rules: "These cards have been designed so that all the familiar games can be played with them. However, by means of the verses printed on the following pages, you may like to test the wits of your friends in the following simple game (for two or more players).
Discarding one Joker, neatly lay out all the cards, in any order, face upwards. Reading aloud from the verses, in the sequence shown, you invite the players to call out the card that matches the verse. The first player to guess correctly, keeps the card. Whoever holds the most cards at the end of the game is declared the winner."