1. Antique Tekkeh Turkoman Engsi Hatchli 4 Seasons Rug, AS IS, #17502 3'2" x 5'6"
For more items go to: ebay.com/str/peerantiquerugs
  • This is an authentic handmade rug.  
  •  It has very fine  wool quality.

almost all Turkmen rugs were produced by nomadic tribes almost entirely with locally obtained materials, wool from the herds and vegetable dyes, or other natural dyes from the land. They used geometrical designs that varied from tribe to tribe; most famous are the YomutErsariSarykSalor, and Tekke. Irregularities — considered part of the charm by many rug collectors — were fairly common since natural materials varied from batch to batch and woolen warp or weft may stretch, especially on a loom that is regularly folded up for transport and set up a new at another camp.