1849 antique GRAHAM'S MAGAZINE bound 12 months Edgar Allen Poe FIFTY SUGGESTIONS

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This listing is for the the hardcover, paper over board book, leather spine and trim, measures approx 10.25"x6".  Complete text, lacking 4 plates.   Includes both parts of Poe's Fifty Suggestions.

Graham's American Monthly Magazine of Literature and Art Embellished with Mezzotint & Steel Engravings, Music, Etc.Includes "Fifty Suggestions" by Edgar Allen Poe, William C. Bryant J. Fenimore Cooper Richard H. Dana James K. Paulding Henry W. Longfellow N.P. Willis Charles F. Hoffman J.R. Lowell Mrs. Lydia H. Sigourney Miss C.M. Sedgwick Mrs. Frances S. Osgood Mrs. Emma C. Embury Mrs. Ann S. Stephens Mrs. Amelia B. Welby Mrs. A.M.F. Annan, Etc. Principal ContributorsVolume XXXIV & Volume XXXVAll 12 months of 1849 are included.

Many engravings, including b/w full page fashion plates, we saw one color fashion plate and one color bird plate, and think that there are 4  missing plates.

Here are partial contents.

                     JANUARY, 1849, TO JUNE, 1849.

All About “What’s in a Name.” By CAROLINE C——,                          62
A Recollection of Mendelssohn. By J. BAYARD TAYLOR,                    113
A Voice from the Wayside. By CAROLINE C——,                             300
Barbara Uttman’s Dream. By Mrs. EMMA C. EMBURY,                         43
Christ Weeping Over Jerusalem. By JOSEPH R. CHANDLER,                  189
Cousin Fanny. By M. S. G. NICHOLS,                                     354
Doctor Sian Seng. From the French,                                123, 174
Deaf, Dumb and Blind. By AGNES L. GORDON,                              347
Editor’s Table,                                              79, 153, 215,
                                                             273, 330, 387
Eleonore Eboli. By WINIFRED BARRINGTON,                                134
Fifty Suggestions. By EDGAR A. POE,                               317, 363
For and Against. By WALTER HERRIES, Esq.                               377
Game-Birds of America. No. XII.,                                        68
Gems from Late Readings,                                      78, 149, 211
History of the Costume of Men. By FAYETTE ROBINSON,          71, 140, 196,
                                                                  264, 319
Honor to Whom Honor is Due. By Mrs. LYDIA JANE PEIRSON,                192
Jasper Leech. By B.,                                                    15
Kate Richmond’s Betrothal. By GRACE GREENWOOD,                           8
Love, Duty and Hope. By ENNA DUVAL,                                     56
Lessons in German. By Miss M. J. BROWNE,                               118
Mormon Temple, Nauvoo,                                                 257
Mr. and Mrs. John Johnson Jones. By ANGELE DE V. HULL,                 277
Montgomery’s House,                                                    330
May Lillie. By CAROLINE H. BUTLER,                                     365
Passages of Life in Europe. By J. BAYARD TAYLOR,                       307
Passages of Life in Europe. By J. BAYARD TAYLOR,                       373
Reviews,                                                     81, 151, 213,
                                                             270, 334, 385
Rose Winters. By ESTELLE,                                              258
Reminiscences. By EMMA C. EMBURY,                                      325
Speak Kindly. By KATE SUTHERLAND,                                       53
St. Valentine’s Day. By J. R. CHANDLER,                                110
The Belle of the Opera. By J. R. CHANDLER,                               1
The Illinois and the Prairies. By JAMES K. PAULDING,                    16
The Letter of Introduction. By Mrs. A. M. F. ANNAN,                     26
The Fugitive. By the VISCOUNTESS D’AULNAY,                              37
The Old New House. By H. HASTINGS WELD,                                 47
The Wounded Guerilla. By MAYNE REID,                                    50
The Young Lawyer’s First Case. By J. TOD,                               85
The Man in the Moon. By CAROLINE C——,                                   91
The Wager of Battle. By W. GILMORE SIMMS,                               99
The Chamber of Life and Death. By PROFESSOR ALDEN,                     129
The Lost Notes. By Mrs. HUGHS,                                         144
The Naval Officer. By W. F. LYNCH,                           157, 223, 286
The Unfinished Picture. By JANE C. CAMPBELL,                           182
The Adventures of a Man who could Never Dress Well.
    By M. TOPHAM EVANS,                                                199
The Plantation of General Taylor,                                      206
The Poet Lí. By CAROLINE H. BUTLER,                                    217
The Recluse. By PARK BENJAMIN,                                    232, 298
The Missionary, Sunlight. By CAROLINE C——,                             235
The Brother’s Temptation. By SYBIL SUTHERLAND,                         243
The Gipsy Queen. By JOSEPH R. CHANDLER,                                250
The Darsies. By EMMA C. EMBURY,                                        252
Taste. By Miss AUGUSTA C. TWIGGS,                                      310
The Man of Mind and the Man of Money. By T. S. ARTHUR,                 312
The Picture of Judgment. By W. GILMORE SIMMS,                          337
The Battle of Life. By LEN,                                            362
The Birth-Place of Benjamin West,                                      378
The Young Dragoon. By C. J. PETERSON,                                  379
Unequal Marriages. By CAROLINE H. BUTLER,                              169
Western Recollections. By FAY. ROBINSON,                               178
Wild-Birds of America. By PROF. FROST,                                 142
Wild-Birds of America. By PROFESSOR FROST,                             208
Wild-Birds of America. By PROF. FROST,                                 267
Wild-Birds of America. By PROF. FROST,                                 322
Wild-Birds of America. By PROF. FROST,                                 382


A Dirge for O’Connell. By ANNE C. LYNCH,                                15
A Dream of Italy. By CHARLES ALLEN,                                     25
A Song. By GIFTIE,                                                      46
A Song. By RICHARD WILKE,                                              112
A Twilight Lay. By W. HORRY STILLWELL,                                 128
An Hour Among the Dead. By J. B. JONES,                                148
A Billet-Doux. By FRANCES S. OSGOOD,                                   177
A Summer Evening Thought. By COUSIN MARY,                              285
A Sonnet. By FAYETTE ROBINSON,                                         306
A May Song. By S. D. ANDERSON,                                         316
Ariel in the Cloven Pine. By BAYARD TAYLOR,                            324
Cathara. By WALTER COLTON, U. S. N.                                     76
Christine. By E. CURTISS HINE,                                          90
Dirge.                                                                  36
Do I Love Thee? By RICHARD COE, JR.                                     60
Dreams of Heaven. By M. E. THROPP,                                     378
Earth-Life. By J. BAYARD TAYLOR,                                       133
Extract. By HENRY S. HAGERT,                                           181
Egeria. By MARY L. LAWSON,                                             195
Florence. By HENRY B. HIRST,                                           165
Fancies About a Lock of Hair. By S. D. ANDERSON,                       207
From Buchanan. By RICHARD PENN SMITH,                                  297
Human Influence. By MARIE ROSEAU,                                      191
Jenny Lind. By Miss M. SAWIN,                                          269
Lines. By R. T. CONRAD,                                                 52
Love. By CHARLES E. TRAIL,                                             173
Lost Treasures. By P. D. T.,                                           242
Lines to an Idea that Wouldn’t “Come.”
    By FRANCES S. OSGOOD,                                              285
Luna. An Ode. By H. T. TUCKERMAN,                                      297
Marie. By CAROLINE F. ORNE,                                             55
Marion’s Song in the School-Room.
    By Mrs. FRANCES S. OSGOOD,                                          61
Maple Sugar. By ALFRED B. STREET,                                       73
My Bird Has Flown. By Mrs. E. W. CASWELL,                              117
My Study. By WM. H. C. HOSMER,                                         377
Night. By Miss AUGUSTA C. TWIGGS,                                      372
Ode to Shelley. By J. BAYARD TAYLOR,                                    61
On a Diamond Ring. By CHARLES E. TRAIL,                                231
Parting. By Mrs. LYDIA JANE PEIRSON,                                   329
Paraphrase. By RICHARD PENN SMITH,                                     361
Requiem. By WM. H. C. HOSMER,                                          109
Rome. By R. H. STODDARD,                                               234
Reminiscences of a Reader.
    By the late WALTER HERRIES, Esq.,                                  249
Raffaelle D’Urbino. By W. H. WELSH,                                    352
Sunset Upon the Steine-Kill. By KATE DASHWOOD,                          46
Summer’s Bacchanal. By J. BAYARD TAYLOR,                               206
Sonnet to Machiavelli. By FAY. ROBINSON,                               251
Storm-Lines. By J. BAYARD TAYLOR,                                      270
Stanzas. By Mrs. O. M. P. LORD,                                        346
Steinhausen’s Hero and Leander. By H. T. TUCKERMAN,                    364
Stanzas for Music. By HARRIET S. HANDY,                                376
The Corsair’s Victim. By WM. H. C. HOSMER,                              14
The Gentle Step. By HARRIET J. MEEK,                                    42
To My Love. By HENRY H. PAUL,                                           73
The Departed. By Mrs. MARY S. WHITAKER,                                 76
The Dead. By “AN AULD HEAD ON YOUNG SHOUTHERS,”                         77
The Homestead of Beauty. By S. D. ANDERSON,                             77
The World. By R. H. STODDARD,                                           89
The Ennuyee. By Mrs. S. A LEWIS,                                        90
The Mirror of Life. By ANNA,                                            97
To the Thames, at Norwich, Conn.,
    By Mrs. LYDIA H. SIGOURNEY,                                         98
The Song of the Axe. By C. L. WHELER,                                   98
The Past. By Miss CAROLINE E. SUTTON,                                  112
The Phantasmagoria. By A. J. REQUIER,                                  120
The Beating of the Heart. By RICHARD HAYWARDE,                         122
The Highland Laddie’s Farewell. By AUGUSTA C. TWIGGS,                  128
The Old Year and the New. By CLARA,                                    143
The Dial-Plate. By A. J. REQUIER,                                      168
The Icebergs. By PARK BENJAMIN,                                        173
The Heart’s Confession. By HENRY MORFORD,                              188
The Precious Rest. By RICHARD COE, Jr.,                                207
The Pine-Tree. By CAROLINE MAY,                                        210
To My Little Boy. By Mrs. HENRIETTA L. COLEMAN,                        212
To Mother. By ANNIE GREY,                                              231
Thermopylæ. By Mrs. MARY G. HORSFORD,                                  242
The Unsepulchred Relics. By Mrs. GOODWIN,                              249
The Brother’s Lament. By AMELIA B. WELBY,                              251
The Unmasked. By S. ANNA LEWIS,                                        257
The Zopilotes. By FAYETTE ROBINSON,                                    263
The Rustic Shrine. By GEO. W. DEWEY,                                   296
The Grass of the Field. By CAROLINE MAY,                               309
To an Absent Sister. By MARY G. HORSFORD,                              309
Thoughts. By MARIE ROSEAU,                                             346
Turn Not Away. By HENRY MORFORD,                                       353
The Sleep of the Dead. By S. G. HAGERT,                                361
The New Search After Happiness. By E. FOXTON,                          371
Visitants from Spirit-Land.
    By E. CURTISS HINE, U. S. N.                                        70
Vincente Filicaja’s Sonnet to Italy.
    By FAYETTE ROBINSON,                                               384
What is Beautiful? By AUGUSTA,                                           7


Softly O’er My Memory Stealing. Words by S. D. Patterson.
    Music by John A. Janke, Jr.
The Bells of Ostend. Words by W. L. Bowles.
    Music by J. Hilton Jones.
Oh, Have I Not Been True to Thee?
    Written and adapted to a beautiful melody
    by John H. Hewitt.
Adieu, My Native Land. Words by D. W. Belisle.
    Arranged for the piano by James Piper.
Virtue’s Evergreen. Words by Theodore A. Gould.
    Music by Theodore Von La Hache.
I Can’t Make Up My Mind. Words from Hood’s Magazine.
    Arranged for the piano by C. Grobe.


Day on the Mountains, engraved by W. E. Tucker.
The Belle of the Opera, engraved by W. E. Tucker.
The Wounded Guerilla, engraved by Rice.
Oglethorp University, engraved by Rawdon & Co.
A Valentine, engraved by W. E. Tucker.
Home Treasures, engraved by Addison.
The Mirror of Life, engraved by Wilmer.
Portrait of Mrs. Davidson, by Rawdon & Co.
Christ Weeping Over Jerusalem, by W. E. Tucker.
Why Don’t He Come, engraved by Addison.
The Bridal Night, engraved by Addison.
View of the Plantation of Gen. Taylor.
The Gipsy Queen, engraved by Thomas B. Welsh.
The Church of St. Isaac’s, engraved by A. L. Dick.
The Miniature, engraved by an American Artist.
Paris Fashions, from Le Follet.
May Morning, engraved by T. B. Welsh.
View of Tortosa, engraved by J. Dill.
Paris Fashions, from Le Follet.
The Star of the Night, engraved by Addison.
The Cottage Door, engraved by Humphreys.
Col. Washington at the Cowpens.
Paris Fashions, from Le Follet.

Excellent original early family and/or town genealogy, history, antique, collectible heirloom and/or ephemera.

CONDITION:  Pages are detaching from the spine. A good reading copy and the text is complete. Lacking 4 of the prints. See listing description and photos.

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