Channel the searing bite of classic rock gods with the Doheny Audio "DA-RM," a limited-edition treble booster pedal inspired by the legendary Dallas Rangemaster and infused with a modern twist. Forget wimpy treble boosts; this beast unleashes the thick, saturated snarl that fueled the sonic signature of Brian May and Eric Clapton.

Modernized Control: Unlike the original Rangemaster, the DA-RM boasts a 3-way switch, granting you more control over your desired frequency range. This means you can tailor the pedal's effect to add subtle brightness, a mid-range punch, or a powerful low-end boost for a truly personalized sound.


Who Needs This Sonic Weapon?

Limited Edition Alert!

The Doheny Audio "DA-RM" is a rare breed, crafted in small batches for discerning guitarists. Don't miss your chance to unleash the sonic fury within! Grab yours today before they're gone for good.