Welcome to the whimsical world of adorable animals, where playful critters come to life through the magic of stencils in a nursery. Each corner of the room is transformed into a delightful menagerie, capturing the hearts and imaginations of both children and adults alike.

Picture a scene where gentle elephants roam, their trunks reaching out in friendly curiosity. Their large ears, rendered with intricate detail, flap softly against the walls, adding a touch of whimsy to the space. Nearby, a family of cuddly pandas munches on bamboo, their round faces and black-rimmed eyes exuding charm and innocence.

In another corner, mischievous monkeys swing from imaginary vines, their tails curled in playful arcs. Their bright eyes seem to twinkle with mischief as they peek out from behind lush green leaves, inviting little ones to join in their playful antics.

And let's not forget the gentle creatures of the sea – graceful turtle serinely swimming through the oceans.

Every stencil tells a story, sparking the imagination and nurturing a love for nature in the hearts of young adventurers. With each stroke of paint, the nursery transforms into a haven of creativity and joy, where cute animals frolic and play in an endless tapestry of wonder.

Thank you for looking, and come back again soon.

Our stencils come packaged in board-backed envelops or postal tubes for the larger sizes.

Free UK P&P.

All our designs are protected under the Copyright, Designs and Patents Act 1988

Images & Designs are property of ED Laser Studio 2016