Jeff Webster's Top 100 Secondhand Trailerboats magazine is a detailed guide to buying a used power trailerboat. Read reviews on Savage, Signature boats, Haines Hunter, Shark Cat, Seafarer, Cruise Craft and more. 

Secondhand Trailerboats is a great read for anyone who would love to get into boating and fishing, but can’t afford to buy a new boat. The magazine contains a guide to more than 100 of Australia’s best used boats.

Please note that printed copies of this publication are no longer available. This guide is an electronic Adobe PDF of my original printed magazine Top 100 Secondhand Trailerboats. This electronic version has not been updated. It is unchanged, unedited. It includes all of the original advertisements - which are obviously no longer current.

Further, the boat prices listed in this publication are now outdated, inaccurate - as most boat prices have now increased due to the pandemic driven demand.

In light of the above, this magazine should be used as an information resource for learning about the different makes and models of boats reviewed.

Accompanying each boat listing is a review, colour photograph, and specifications. This gives potential buyers a great base of information from which to begin the hunt for a well regarded, quality used trailerboat.

Complimenting the boat reviews are eight informative chapters to guide readers through the various stages in the boat buying process, starting with choosing a model, and including how to inspect the boat, engine and trailer, where to look for a good used rig, as well as what problems to look for during the water test.

As noted, printed copies of Top 100 Secondhand Trailerboats are no longer available. This magazine can only be purchased in electronic form as an Adobe PDF for viewing on your mobile phone, tablet or computer. 
After confirmation your payment has been received, you will be sent an email containing a link from which you can then download the magazine. Please allow a day or two for the link to be emailed to you.