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PRESONUS - ERIS SUB 8BT - Sub bass de 8 pouces

L’ajout d’un caisson de basses aux haut-parleurs à gamme complète vous permet d’entendre la base des basses fréquences de votre mix plus précisément afin que vous puissiez prendre des décisions plus éclairées et créer des mixages plus traduisibles. L’Eris® Sub 8BT de 100 watts, étonnamment bruyant, descend jusqu’à 30 Hz, ce qui vous permet d’entendre tout le spectre sonore et de produire de meilleurs mélanges. Pour les producteurs EDM et hip-hop, en particulier, un subwoofer est un must-have.

Bien que compatible avec une variété de moniteurs de studio à gamme complète, le caisson de graves de studio compact Eris Sub 8BT a été conçu pour compléter l’harmonisation et la réponse en fréquence de la gamme complète de moniteurs de studio compacts Eris, du Eris 3.5 ultra-abordable au Eris Studio 5.

Premier caisson de graves de studio PreSonus® à offrir la connectivité sans fil Bluetooth® 5.0, l’Eris Sub 8BT offre également des options de connexion filaire flexibles, ce qui facilite son ajout à presque toutes les configurations de surveillance. Les commandes intégrées vous permettent de créer sans effort un système de surveillance 2.1 et de l’adapter à votre pièce. Les commandes de filtre passe-haut et de filtre passe-bas (filtre croisé) garantissent que l’Eris Sub 8BT commence à fonctionner à la fréquence précise où vos moniteurs principaux s’arrêtent, évitant le désordre flasque, tacheté et bas de gamme qui se produit sans filtre croisé.

Ajoutez un caisson de graves PreSonus Eris Sub 8BT à votre système complet compact et entendez, avec précision, le puissant son basse fréquence qui vous manquait.


  • TENSION 220-240 V UE
  • SPL100 dB (1 mètre)
  • MATÉRIAU DE L’ENCEINTE Panneau de fibres de moyenne densité stratifié en vinyle
  • COMMANDES AUDIO Plage de volume (-30 dB à +6 dB) Filtre passe-haut (80 Hz @ -12 dB / octave) Filtre passe-bas (50 Hz à 130 Hz, variable en continu) Polarité (0 degrés ou 180 degrés)



179,00 €

Availability:  Available on request
Processing time:  Contact us to check the product availability and delivery times
Guaranty: 2 years by manufacturer

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PRESONUS - ERIS SUB 8BT - 8-inch bass sub

Adding a subwoofer to full-range speakers enables you to hear the low-frequency foundation of your mix more accurately so you can make better-informed decisions and create more translatable mixes. The surprisingly loud, 100 watt Eris® Sub 8BT drops down to a molar-rattling 30 Hz, so you’ll hear the full sonic spectrum and produce better mixes. For EDM and hip-hop producers, in particular, a subwoofer is a must-have.

Although compatible with a variety of full-range studio monitors, the Eris Sub 8BT compact studio subwoofer was designed to complement the voicing and frequency response of the full range of compact Eris studio monitors, from the ultra-affordable Eris 3.5 to the Eris Studio 5.

The first PreSonus® studio subwoofer to offer Bluetooth® 5.0 wireless connectivity, the Eris Sub 8BT provides flexible wired connection options, as well, making it easy to add it to just about any monitoring setup. Onboard controls let you effortlessly create a 2.1 monitoring system and tune it to your room. Highpass filter and lowpass filter (crossover) controls ensure the Eris Sub 8BT starts working at the precise frequency where your main monitors stop, avoiding the flabby, smudged, low-end mess that occurs without a crossover.

Add a PreSonus Eris Sub 8BT subwoofer to your compact full-range system and hear, with precision accuracy, the powerful low-frequency sound you’ve been missing.


  • VOLTAGE 220-240 V EU
  • POWER IN WATT 100 Watts
  • SPL100 dB (1 meter)
  • ENCLOSURE MATERIAL Vinyl Laminated Medium Density Fiberboard
  • AUDIO CONTROLS Volume range (-30 dB to +6 dB) High-pass filter (80 Hz @ -12 dB/ octave) Low-pass filter (50 Hz to 130 Hz, continuously variable) Polarity (0 degrees or 180 degrees)



179,00 €

Availability:  Available on request
Processing time:  Contact us to check the product availability and delivery times
Guaranty: 2 years by manufacturer


PRESONUS - ERIS SUB 8BT - 8-inch bass sub

Adding a subwoofer to full-range speakers enables you to hear the low-frequency foundation of your mix more accurately so you can make better-informed decisions and create more translatable mixes. The surprisingly loud, 100 watt Eris® Sub 8BT drops down to a molar-rattling 30 Hz, so you’ll hear the full sonic spectrum and produce better mixes. For EDM and hip-hop producers, in particular, a subwoofer is a must-have.

Although compatible with a variety of full-range studio monitors, the Eris Sub 8BT compact studio subwoofer was designed to complement the voicing and frequency response of the full range of compact Eris studio monitors, from the ultra-affordable Eris 3.5 to the Eris Studio 5.

The first PreSonus® studio subwoofer to offer Bluetooth® 5.0 wireless connectivity, the Eris Sub 8BT provides flexible wired connection options, as well, making it easy to add it to just about any monitoring setup. Onboard controls let you effortlessly create a 2.1 monitoring system and tune it to your room. Highpass filter and lowpass filter (crossover) controls ensure the Eris Sub 8BT starts working at the precise frequency where your main monitors stop, avoiding the flabby, smudged, low-end mess that occurs without a crossover.

Add a PreSonus Eris Sub 8BT subwoofer to your compact full-range system and hear, with precision accuracy, the powerful low-frequency sound you’ve been missing.


  • VOLTAGE 220-240 V EU
  • POWER IN WATT 100 Watts
  • SPL100 dB (1 meter)
  • ENCLOSURE MATERIAL Vinyl Laminated Medium Density Fiberboard
  • AUDIO CONTROLS Volume range (-30 dB to +6 dB) High-pass filter (80 Hz @ -12 dB/ octave) Low-pass filter (50 Hz to 130 Hz, continuously variable) Polarity (0 degrees or 180 degrees)



179,00 €

Availability:  Available on request
Processing time:  Contact us to check the product availability and delivery times
Guaranty: 2 years by manufacturer


PRESONUS - ERIS SUB 8BT - 8-inch bass sub

Adding a subwoofer to full-range speakers enables you to hear the low-frequency foundation of your mix more accurately so you can make better-informed decisions and create more translatable mixes. The surprisingly loud, 100 watt Eris® Sub 8BT drops down to a molar-rattling 30 Hz, so you’ll hear the full sonic spectrum and produce better mixes. For EDM and hip-hop producers, in particular, a subwoofer is a must-have.

Although compatible with a variety of full-range studio monitors, the Eris Sub 8BT compact studio subwoofer was designed to complement the voicing and frequency response of the full range of compact Eris studio monitors, from the ultra-affordable Eris 3.5 to the Eris Studio 5.

The first PreSonus® studio subwoofer to offer Bluetooth® 5.0 wireless connectivity, the Eris Sub 8BT provides flexible wired connection options, as well, making it easy to add it to just about any monitoring setup. Onboard controls let you effortlessly create a 2.1 monitoring system and tune it to your room. Highpass filter and lowpass filter (crossover) controls ensure the Eris Sub 8BT starts working at the precise frequency where your main monitors stop, avoiding the flabby, smudged, low-end mess that occurs without a crossover.

Add a PreSonus Eris Sub 8BT subwoofer to your compact full-range system and hear, with precision accuracy, the powerful low-frequency sound you’ve been missing.


  • VOLTAGE 220-240 V EU
  • POWER IN WATT 100 Watts
  • SPL100 dB (1 meter)
  • ENCLOSURE MATERIAL Vinyl Laminated Medium Density Fiberboard
  • AUDIO CONTROLS Volume range (-30 dB to +6 dB) High-pass filter (80 Hz @ -12 dB/ octave) Low-pass filter (50 Hz to 130 Hz, continuously variable) Polarity (0 degrees or 180 degrees)



179,00 €

Availability:  Available on request
Processing time:  Contact us to check the product availability and delivery times
Guaranty: 2 years by manufacturer


PRESONUS - ERIS SUB 8BT - 8-inch bass sub

Adding a subwoofer to full-range speakers enables you to hear the low-frequency foundation of your mix more accurately so you can make better-informed decisions and create more translatable mixes. The surprisingly loud, 100 watt Eris® Sub 8BT drops down to a molar-rattling 30 Hz, so you’ll hear the full sonic spectrum and produce better mixes. For EDM and hip-hop producers, in particular, a subwoofer is a must-have.

Although compatible with a variety of full-range studio monitors, the Eris Sub 8BT compact studio subwoofer was designed to complement the voicing and frequency response of the full range of compact Eris studio monitors, from the ultra-affordable Eris 3.5 to the Eris Studio 5.

The first PreSonus® studio subwoofer to offer Bluetooth® 5.0 wireless connectivity, the Eris Sub 8BT provides flexible wired connection options, as well, making it easy to add it to just about any monitoring setup. Onboard controls let you effortlessly create a 2.1 monitoring system and tune it to your room. Highpass filter and lowpass filter (crossover) controls ensure the Eris Sub 8BT starts working at the precise frequency where your main monitors stop, avoiding the flabby, smudged, low-end mess that occurs without a crossover.

Add a PreSonus Eris Sub 8BT subwoofer to your compact full-range system and hear, with precision accuracy, the powerful low-frequency sound you’ve been missing.


  • VOLTAGE 220-240 V EU
  • POWER IN WATT 100 Watts
  • SPL100 dB (1 meter)
  • ENCLOSURE MATERIAL Vinyl Laminated Medium Density Fiberboard
  • AUDIO CONTROLS Volume range (-30 dB to +6 dB) High-pass filter (80 Hz @ -12 dB/ octave) Low-pass filter (50 Hz to 130 Hz, continuously variable) Polarity (0 degrees or 180 degrees)
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