RRP £20 PE Nutrition Performance BCAA Rebuild & Recover Fruit Punch BBE 11/23.

Best before end November 2023. Please note this is the best before date and not an expiry date.

PE Nutrition Performance BCAA Fruit Punch contains 5g of branched chain amino acids (BCAA’s) per serving. Linked with the job of building muscle, BCAA’s are not made inside our bodies, so you have to seek them out for yourself – whether that is in your food or via a supplement. Enjoying PE Nutrition’s Performance BCAA powder with your daily exercise takes the guess work out of replenishing your amino acid stores.

What Are the Benefits of This Supplement?

    *  Key components in protein synthesis, BCAAs offer        

        support for a wide range of sports and exercise

        workouts, whether cardio training or weightlifting.

        They aid the building and maintenance of muscle.

         It is important to maintain adequate hydration   

        during and either side of your workout as well, so

        be sure to continue consuming the recommended

        minimum of six to eight glasses of water per day, to

        keep your body in tip top condition.


Full ingredients

Branched-Chain Amino Acids (42% L-Leucine, 21% L-Valine, 21% L-Isoleucine), Acidity Regulator: Citric Acid, Malic Acid; Flavourings, Emulsifier: Lecithins; Sweeteners:Sucralose;Color: Beetroot Powder. May contain traces of milksoy and egg. For Allergens - see ingredients in bold

Always read the label before use

Additional information

Advisory Information:

Ensure adequate hydration during and after training - Minimum of six to eight glasses of water daily.


Add one (6g) scoop of powder to 300ml of water or your preferred beverage. Suggested use: 6-12 grams pre workout, 6-12 grams during workout and/or 6-12 grams post workout.

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