Help your senior dog stay healthy and active with Senior Grain Free* Dry Dog Food. Made with naturally occurring Omega-3 and Omega-6 fatty acids, plus Chondroitin and Glucosamine, this senior dog food kibble provides the nutrients needed to help support your senior dog's joint health. This dog food recipe contains 85 percent** animal ingredients like free-run chicken, free-run turkey and wild-caught fish to support a healthy weight. The first five ingredients of this high protein dog food are fresh or raw chicken, turkey, salmon, whole herring and chicken liver, giving your dog a strong source of protein, vitamins and minerals. Inspired by what your dog’s ancestors consumed in the wild, each serving offers WholePrey ingredients to provide your dog with the most succulent and nutrient-rich parts of the prey, and a freeze dried coating that provides a burst of flavor dogs instinctively crave. Our included fresh ingredients are delivered refrigerated and our included raw ingredients are delivered frozen. NOURISH AS NATURE INTENDED. *Produced in a facility that also processes grains **Approximate 85%, and derived from the unprocessed state of the ingredients
One (1) 4.5 lb bag of Senior Original Dry Dog Food
Nutrient-dense, grain free* dog food tailored to maintain healthy weight and joint function in senior dogs
Grain free* dry dog food made with the most succulent and nutrient-rich parts of the prey, containing up to 85 percent** animal ingredients and WholePrey ingredients to mimic what your dog's ancestors consumed in the wild
The first five ingredients are fresh or raw chicken, turkey, salmon, whole herring and chicken liver to provide your dog with a strong source of protein, vitamins and minerals
Made in the USA with quality ingredients from around the world; no soy, corn, tapioca or wheat ingredients are added in our kitchen