Tomenosuke 2049 PKD. Really nice piece. A few things wrong with it. Being a display piece they’re not much of an issue imo.

Static real bulldog tr1gger. I was shipping it to UK from the US. I didn’t want it to get seized by customs or whatever. So the trig doesn’t move.

Crane assembly is not attached. The tomen wobbled too much, I epoxied the handle and guard. Realizing after it cured that I had not attached the crane to the frame. There is no undoing it. So the crane arm is not attached to the frame it just rest there.

The metal shell needs to be painted on one side if buyer decides.

Barrel is SD Studios

Link below for more pics


Message me for more info.

NON Firing Model

The cylinder still opens, closes, and also rotate.

The trig you can’t replace. Because you have to remove the Bulldog grip frame to add the other parts to attach to the hammer. Which is inaccessible due to me epoxing the bulldog grip frame. That’s why I’m calling this a replica static display PKD.

Buyers please read and ask questions

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