About this card:
It is an original, not a reprint or copy of any existing card.
Created on a printing press, not a homemade digital or inkjet product.
200 of this card issued in 2009, no "parallels" or variations were made.
Same size and thickness as a standard vintage 60s or 70s card.
Designed and manufactured as a print sample by Monarch Corona Printing Co.
Shipped quickly and securely, inside a brand new soft sleeve and rigid toploader.

Guaranteed cash value:
This card will always be worth more than you paid. The minimum "book value" is the price you pay. I will buy this card back from you for what you paid any time you ask. Next week, next year, or ten years from now.
I can do this only because I know that this card is worth more than I am selling it for. No other card dealer makes such a guarantee.

About Grouchy:
21 years selling cards online. Before that, owner of Space City Cards Comics & Coins on Main St. in Houston. As a kid I loved baseball and football, and collected cards starting in 1959 - that's 60 years, but it feels like yesterday.  I have bought and sold millions of sports cards over the years. During my partnership with Renata Galasso, I was the #2 sports card distributor in the USA - 2nd only to her store in New York. The kids who used to frequent my card shop named me the "Grouchy Old Man" because I had to keep them in line.  The nickname stuck. I'm not that grouchy anymore. I have over 100,000
online transactions, with an average feedback score of 100% over the years.