Brown Textured Faux Leather - 3 Yards (18 inches wide)

This fabric is incredibly versatile. It is lightweight and sews easily. It does not gray, so you will. It need to finish edges unless you wish to do so for appearances. It is also quite water resistant as well, which is a bonus. The faux leather side is a small diamond pattern and the back side of the fabric is black felt. The felt backing is perfect for shoulder straps because it does not slip easily from the shoulder. Also, the fabric is very supple which makes it comfortable to wear over the should or also as a cross body strap. The fabric is quite thin and that makes it very easy to work with. My favorite aspect of the material is that it can be machine waged and dried. So the only limitation of the fabric are the limitation of the ideas you can generate to use it for. I have used for bags, aprons, notebooks, and still the idea generator is at work.