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Urban Shaman

by C.E. Murphy

Joanne Walker has no use for the mystical, and up until this morning, the mystical had no use for her.
But an ancient god has reared his head, and the all-too-real riders of the mythical Wild Hunt are menacing the streets of Seattle. Caught in the middle of an age-old grudge, Joanne is forced to choose between accepting an unexpected magical heritage and facing this immortal enemy, or...dying.
(Look, nobody said it was a good choice.)
Guided by a cryptic coyote who visits her dreams and armed with magic she doesn't know how to use, Joanne is befriended by a nosy cab driver who wants to tag along for the adventure as she hangs on to the desperate hope that she might survive the next few days.
Joanne's journey from police department mechanic to urban shaman begins here...whether she likes it or not!

Brand New


"A swift pace, a good mystery, a likeable protagonist, magic, danger-Urban Shaman has them in spades." -Jim Butcher, bestselling author of The Dresden Files


Author C.E. Murphy
Pages 356
Publisher Miz Kit Productions
Series The Walker Papers
Year 2023
ISBN-13 9781835570005
Format Paperback
Publication Date 2023-10-01
Imprint Miz Kit Productions
Country of Publication Ireland
Alternative 9781835570012
Series Number 1
Audience General
