John Lee Binn (Goo-Goo), Georgia, American, b. 1961
...And Ye Will Not Come to Me
Oil on linen paper board
Signed lower right 
14 3/4 by 17 inches

On the 12th day of September, 1961 John Lee Binn, better known as Goo-Goo, was born in Webster Co. Ga. Goo-Goo got his name from his uncle, Charlie Frank Moses. Times were hard for his family. They lived in a clapboard house with only one chimney for heat and a woodburning stove to cook on. From a family of 9 children, four girls and 5 boys, John was the fifth child born. John did have a happy childhood, and to this day he is a very well adjusted and happy person. He always has a smile and something good to say about everyone he meets. John graduated from highschool at Tri-Co school in Marion Co. and since he has had many jobs but none have lasted for long. He supports him self by doing odd jobs and painting. He is getting to be well known in the Folk Art community. John calls his work "Sketch Art" because he makes sketches before painting. This sketching is evident on most all of his paintings. Sometimes you can see several drawings one on top of the other. Goo-Goo says, "I just want to be a good man".