Manufacturer model:

This is the 3rd generation of YOUPAI's automatic card dealer machine, which has many improvements and upgrades compared to the second generation.

New English user interface (needs to be set in machine options), upgraded rechargeable battery with double capacity (5000 mAh), new active callers (4 in total), no longer the ball to press cards, and the width of the opening can be adjusted for thicker cards.

Like its predecessor, it can deal cards to up to 8 players in a variety of ways, allowing for almost any customized deal.

Thanks to the upgraded high-capacity battery, the machine can play continuously for days without worrying about battery life at all.

Up to 8 players can be dealt cards, and each player can be dealt more than 100 cards at a time. In addition, the order of cards dealt and the number of cards dealt can be customized.

Each card dealer machine can support up to four callers, which are included in the product package