Joseph Welch Jewellers Ltd based in Wellington in Somerset is pleased to be selling this Rolex Oyster Perpetual.

Our business details can be found on this listing, please look us up, we hope to reassure you we are a real business who care about our customers! Whether you are buying on eBay, our website or in our bricks and mortar store we aim to give you the best service in every instance whatever the platform so please buy with confidence!!! Some items we sell can be view only by appointment so please do get in touch!   

This is a brand new & unworn Rolex Oyster Perpetual 124300 - UK origin.

What a stunning watch this is. The Green dial is a very vivid colour. The watch has an elegant simplicity and the pop of colour makes it a little fun!

The watch comes as a full set, box and docs.

I am a business seller, please call for further details or to book a viewing.