Lenape Lodge 8 started 1/1/2014. 

For the 2017 Jamboree, the lodge created an oa flap set in conjunction with the Garden State Council to celebrate the many trains in use throughout the council. The flap set was the public transit map. The top flap has the red-tailed hawk (lodge totem) in profile. The chevron (bottom half) has the same hawk gliding in the air. 

Prior to the jamboree, 24 gold mylar border flaps were created and given to the jamboree committee. Since most of the lodge members did not get one (on no one on the committee was willing to trade theirs), the lodge LEC decided to make an additional 50 flap sets as a fundraiser to the lodge members who wanted one. In total, there were less than 75 sets produced. Here is your chance to get one. These were pre-ordered and only sold 1x as fundraisers (thus the higher cost) - so if you didn't get your in 2017, you couldn't get it later (until now). 

S17-X7 Issue. 


Non-smoking house.

Pictures of of actual patches you will get, no stock photos used.