This is for the upcoming NE-5 Conclave in 2022. The lodges represented will be Lodge 1, 2, 8, 9, 43, 44, 71, 191, 341, 482, and 506. This conclave was supposed to be hosted by Lenape Lodge 8, at Roosevelt Scout Reservation. With the recent court settlement, when Roosevelt Camp could not guarantee it would be available, the conclave hosting was taken over by another lodge (and a different theme). This "Under Construction, Detour Ahead" Theme is no longer the conclave theme (I believe the conclave host picked an Olympic Theme). 

However, these "save the date" patches were made and distributed prior to all the above changes. There were 440 of these black bordered patches made, (and 60 of the white border). 

Here is your change to get one of the black bordered patches for that conclave that never will be. 

You can see Lenape ghosted in the left corner, under the fleur-di-lis. 


Non-smoking home.