Second Dealing
Card Game, Bottom Dealing
Taschenbuch von Eloi Rylan Koios
  • Redaktion: Eloi Rylan Koios
  • EAN: 9786137906149
  • Auflage: Aufl.
  • Sprache: Englisch
  • Seiten: 180
  • Schlagworte: Sport
Second dealing is a method of manipulating a deck of cards during a card game by way of dealing the second, rather than the top, card of the deck, usually for the purpose of cheating. Second dealing and bottom dealing are also used in performance magic. A card cheat who specializes in manipulating playing cards is called a card mechanic; a card mechanic who specializes in second dealing is called a "second dealer", a "deuce dealer", a "two dealer", or a "number two man." Second dealing is only useful when the cheat knows the value of the top card of the deck. Once the value of the top card is known the cheat may resort to second dealing in order to avoid dealing a good card to an opponent, or to avoid dealing a bad card to himself (or to a secret accomplice).
Titel: Second Dealing | Zusatz: Card Game, Bottom Dealing | Medium: Taschenbuch | Redaktion: Eloi Rylan Koios | Auflage: Aufl. | Sprache: Englisch | Seiten: 180 | Anbieter: Buchbär