Household Hints 1936 - complete set of 50 cards

Flowers - 9 pages of 45 flower cards & one page of 5 RAF cards

Garden Hints 1937 - complete set of 50 cards

Safety First 1933 - complete set of 50 cards

An Album of Dogs 1938 - 35 cards, 3 damaged or missing.

Aircraft of the Royal Air Force 1938 - complete set of 50 cards

Air Raid Precautions 1938 - 46 cards, 4 missing cards

Garden Hints - 30 cards

My father shared stories of him as a 12 year old collecting the cards from local gentleman who smoked. He passed away last year at eh age of 97 & these were found in a box in his loft. Time for someone else to have the pleasure of reading these.