Introduced by Wedgewood as the Apple Shaped Jam Jar, or in the Franciscan circles as the Redesigned Jam Jar, in 1983.  This one has the USA Flying F so that means it was made in 1983 or 1984 just before Wedgewood moved manufacturing to England.

This piece is made in the USA in California.


Even though it doesn't have a lid there are so many things you could use it for...I won't insult you by listing them here because I'm sure you have already thought of so many uses.


Maybe you dropped your jam jar, and you have a lonely lid and it needs a new mate.  Here is the perfect opportunity to arrange a marriage for your top.

Whatever the reason I am here to help.

With all my pieces when I bring them home, I hand wash them. 

I do this because I don’t believe you can truly say there is “no crazing” without getting them wet.  Crazing can hide.

 So, when I say there are no chips, cracks, crazing or repairs, I have done my due diligence to discover any defects.