The Compleat Hiftory of Sweden from Its Origin to This Time Comprehending the Lives and Reigns of All Its Kings and Governors, the Feveral Revolutions, Wars, Riches, Forces, Strength, and Intereft of That Nation in Refpect to the Other Kingdoms of Europe

"Written by the famous Samuell Puffendorf, late Chancellor of state in that Kingdom.  Faithfully tranflated from the original High-Dutch, and carefully continued down to the prefent year."

Printed by J. Brudenell for Jofeph Wild at the Elephant at Charing-Crofs, 1702

VERY RARE!!!  This is a former copy of the Hartford [CT] Library Association and was rebound probably sometime in the 19th century in 3/4 leather with marbled boards. The front board, free endpaper, and spine strip are all now detached, but present. The spine-edge and spine strip has been taped, with handwritten partial title and library markings on the spine strip.  The text block is nice and tight and most pages have either little or no foxing, or just a diffuse general age-browning of pages making this an EXCELLENT candidate for  modern rebinding.

A very rare 300+ year old history of Sweden.  609 pages plus a 14 page addendum entitled "Politick remarks upon the conftitutionof Sweden &c", and an index.

rare case