Belden 8402 Premium Interconnects 8' foot pair for Phono Step Up Transformers Tube amps and preamps

One of The best value's in HiFi no doubt!


Spectacular interconnects!  Super musical! Custom terminated using pure Cardas solder and Switchcraft RCA connectors. This combo makes magic with your turntable and Moving Coil Phono Step Up Transformer.
Don't use the huge connectors they will damage the vintage RCA connectors and even some new premium components. (Ask me how I know)
Conductors terminated in the now famous Yazaki-San Style. (Grounds terminated at both ends)
This special cable is manufactured right here in the USA and terminated here in Sunny California. It’s a secret favorite among fanatical tube gurus and vintage HiFi tinkerers. 
For the price it’s tough to beat with it’s smooth musical non-colored sound. I use it everyday at home and the office with the more expensive cables sitting on the shelf. 
Why you ask because for the $$ there is nothing in it's class that even comes close! 
Listing includes Both a right and a left channel 1 meter cables in length of Belden 8402 terminated with 
Switchcraft 3502AAU connectors as shown in the photos.
Does not include the Step up transformer  it is included only for an example
Belden Spec
- Belden 8402 20 AWG stranded (26x34) high-conductivity TC conductors
- EPDM rubber insulation
- Rayon braid, TC braid shield (85% coverage), cotton wrap
- CSPE - Brown Polyethylene jacket.

Shindo   JBL   Kondo   Altec  Bob's Devices Leben  Audio Note
B&W - Wilson Audio - ProAc - Genesis - Vandersteen - Magnepan - Martin Logan - Kef - Apogee - Sonus Faber Wisdom Audio - Triangle - Dynaudio - Mark Levinson - Krell - Audio Research - Shindo Labs - Leben - Woo Audio  Conrad Johnson - Wyetech - Sonic Frontiers - Linn - Naim - Nakamichi - Pass Labs - Fisher - McIntosh - Marantz Wyred 4 Sound - EAR - BAT- Wadia - VPI - Cello Audio - Garrard - Thorens - SME - EMT - Lyra - Dynavector - Grado Hifiman - Audeze - Schiit - MBL - MSB - DCS - Altec - DeVore - Tannoy - Transparent Audio - Siltech Audioquest - VAC Nordost - Audience - Cardas - Shunyata - Kimber - XLO - Purist Audio Design - Blue Jeans Cables - Audio Note Kondo - Well Tempered Labs - Western Electric