A tool to help those with dyslexia, its full title is, The Mystery of the Lost Letters - Tintin helps dyslexic learners.

Designed to raise morale and assist young dyslexics to understand and get to grips with coping with their dyslexia, this trilingual (EN, FR and German) self-help tool invites the user to accompany Tintin on a series of adventures of discovery.
Finally the young user is awarded a certificate of completion, with a profile of his or her learning styles, complete with self-help tips.

The CD-ROM is designed to be used in one-to-one situations with children, and is presented as a series of game-type environments, through which the reader proceeds in a structured fashion.

I found this in a drawer whilst having a tidy up and thought it may be of use to someone with dyslexia

Our children used this CD ROM to help overcome their dyslexia
both are grown  up with Degees now