Brand new watercolor sketch of many cut flowers wild flowers spring flowers and bees

This is part of my collection of sketches done-some become paintings other stay on the bolt-

perhaps to be used on a later time- artwork. During last summer- two consecutive times bees stung me for the use of perfumes and wearing black- I once worked for a bee keeper- she lives in Verona NJ- she showed me how bees communicate with each other and at all cause if necessary dying to protect the young the queen and the food. That these little insects have been slowly dying- and there’s different species- however people do not differentiate from one- treating all as dangerous- the type of bee is the honey bee which is indeed smaller and often inoffensive- the ones that sting me where African- which I’ve met on several occasions with the most dangerous making their nest under ground and looking straight at you like they mean business-

This artwork measures 11 by 14 inches is done in Canson paper mix media with Windsor and Kuretake watercolors also koi watercolor paints. And several small brushes

There’s a flower that painted repeatedly which are called pansies in different colors. Also the bees are a carpenter a wasp and a honey bee.

The entire

Sheet is covered in flowers and looks to me more like a pattern than an actual painting-

Offering it to you Via Auction style

Shopped through eBay tracking and shipping also in a large hand made envelope done by me wrapped in plastic with a sturdy backing.

Sent via USPS