The Nile on eBay


by Paul S. Wiley, T.J. Orange

LOOK INSIDE ON KINDLE / FONT SIZE 14 IS AVAILABLE FOR easy reading / THIS BOOKS FONT SIZE IS 9 / "THE VACHERON TRILOGY" IS AVAILABLE 3 BOOKS IN 1 SAVES UP TO 50% / ALL VARIATIONS FROM AMAZON.This series of books obviously fits in very well with many fiction and thriller catalogues, based in Europe and the city of London formed around a covert military unit operating in peacetime, and would be popular and mainstream having many facets. Being up to date and set in the foreseeable future 2020-2030 which is not far ahead, involving and expounding the effects of new technology and current affairs happening today. Whilst not veering far from the norm and only edging around the whole supernatural element which becomes the main theme, and covert player in the form of T.X.Orange. Who is not likely to follow any ones lead or tidy schedule having his own more powerful agenda and organisation to keep intact.. The format for the various characters to travel and confront each other on is formed through "The Union" contrived in Europe to diminish disaster and chaos besetting the continent, but encounter supernatural forces exposed by a fissure in the environment, while shadowing the main security forces. T.X.Orange tries to maintain his secret nature which others imagine could help reverse the disasters, and determine what the aberrations in the paranormal world he seems involved in, actually are. French knight Templar's and ex-presidents get involved and together embark on a spiritual journey not favoured by T.X.Orange and his organisation, who would prefer to remain undisturbed and un-quantified. Any book in the series can be read in any order. paul s wiley editor / Preface in the year 2030 / Extracted from chapter 1. MAGENTA X / I.V.F. coupled with D.N.A. genome profiling was producing some strange results and permutations down at the family planning clinic in tandem with stem cell advances. Making it possible for the most unlikely parentage, to produce the ultimate in offspring. This had all made human cloning obsolete and cloning was illegal any way. T.X.Orange was in his study one news story that caught his attention was this, a religious sect had determined from the above medical advances mentioned a persona could be developed that resonated the religious beliefs of biblical times and beyond. In short, not just a perfect physical human being but one that had spiritual attributes going back and interfacing with the past. Theoretically T.X. Orange thought, just about anything was currently possible including a gene that had historical attributes, which was the character of the whole scenario. This T.X. thought odd, as religions often complained about the unnatural and synthetic codifying of potential offspring and same sex marriages that all became a part of this medical miracle and circus. That could determine and extinguish all types of disadvantages in potential offspring and now repair any that occurred. The sect was claiming that they had discovered through their research centres in east European countries, that it was possible to fabricate a human being with the correct set of genes to transverse the world and it's history. Just as easily as it was to cultivate a person at embryonic stage to be fit and healthy without historic ailments to plague them through the family lines. This advancement in the whole process of genetic engineering was not forth coming from the sect. Who guarded their secret method of medical divination headed by Dr Isaac Devine who's name was probably false but suited the implications of biblical history. Nevertheless he had considerable support for all he was doing and claiming, with serious finance to match, from religions and other bodies. Who saw this prophet as a Noah type figure complete with ark ready to sail the oceans of history as a new breed, and into the promised land from the past.

Brand New


Author T.J. Orange
Language English
ISBN-10 1515145166
ISBN-13 9781515145165
Media Book
Format Paperback
Pages 96
Publisher Createspace Independent Publishing Platform
Series Vacheron
Year 2015
Publication Date 2015-07-19
Subtitle Supernatural Revelations
Imprint Createspace Independent Publishing Platform
Series Number 3
Audience General
